17 weeks in total 15 weeks => 14 weeks
1) Decimal to Roman
2) Roman to Decimal
3) Optimal Sort Moves
1) Count Bits
2) Swap Bits EPIJ-29
3) Compute power pow(x,y) => x^y
1) Remove Kth last element from LL
2) Merge 2 sorted LL
3) Spiral Matrix - Iterative
1) DP Fibonacci
2) Tower of Hanoi
3) Spiral Matrix - Recursive
1) Two Sum
2) Triple Sum
3) Subset Sum
1) Palindrome
2) RPM
3) Compute the Levenshtein Distance
1) Overlapping n-gons
2) Layered matrix rotation
3) Overlapping n-gons (in n dimensions) Kana’i will have golden panda prize
1) Knapsack
2) Rod Cutting
3) Sudoku Solver
1) Delete duplicates in sorted arrays
2) Compute rows in Pascal's Triangle
3) Test Collatz Conjecture
1) Check if sum of first n integers is even or odd or neither
2) Form a linked list from leaves of B-Tree
1) Enumerate all primes up to n
1) Enumerate all primes up to n
2) Overlapping Rectangles
3) Sock merchant problem
1) Prisoner Hat Problem
2) Goat-Wolf-Cabbage-Farmer Problem
3) Einsteins riddle
4) The HARDEST Puzzle Yet!