Start here! Links to relevant code that aren't currently on this GitHub.
UCLA SCAN Labs Github
- Parallelized SPM Dartel preprocessing pipeline, MR Tools for whole-brain multi-level regression, ROI extraction, other SPM things
Joao Guassi Moreira's Github
- fMRI data analysis (network & multivariate analyses) and behavioral modeling. Python, R, and a little Matlab
Kevin Tan's Github
- Mostly EEG & ECoG stuff, RSA for images using features extracted from computer vision algos
Miriam Weaverdyck's fMRI analysis Github
- Full RSA analysis of fMRI data, mostly in python and R
CSN Labs Github
- Miscellaneous tools for BIDS and fMRI analyses, and some other tools for behavioral studies (PsychoPy, SONA)