v2.0.37 Enhanced h5diag utility
Sample output:
VERSION attribute: 2.0
header: {'DIMENSION_LABELS': array([b'time', b'feed_id', b'frequency'], dtype=object), 'az_start': 0.0, 'data_type': 1, 'fch1': 6688.96484375, 'foff': -0.00286102294921875, 'ibeam': -1, 'machine_id': 20, 'nbeams': 1, 'nbits': 32, 'nchans': 65536, 'nfpc': 1024, 'nifs': 1, 'rawdatafile': 'blc17_guppi_57991_49318_DIAG_PSR_J0332+5434_0008.0000.raw', 'source_name': 'DIAG_PSR_J0332+5434', 'src_dej': <Angle 54.5788 deg>, 'src_raj': <Angle 3.54977333 hourangle>, 'telescope_id': 6, 'tsamp': 1.073741823999999, 'tstart': 57991.570810185185, 'za_start': 0.0}
data shape: (56, 1, 65536)
Number of fine channels: 65536
NFPC: 1024
Number of coarse channels: 64
Rawspec version: 3.1.1
Librawspec version: 3.1.1
cuFFT version:
HDF5 library version: 1.8.16
Bitshuffle: ENABLED
No errors detected