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Camera Calibration

Trey Fortmuller edited this page Apr 16, 2019 · 1 revision

Camera Calibration

It is necessary to determine the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters using a calibration in order to properly transform camera plane information into world coordinates. This must be done for each camera individually.

  1. Print the 9x6 vertex checkerboard called checkboard.png in the calibration directory.

  2. Take 10 or more images of the checkerboard in different positions and orientations with the camera that you are calibrating and put them in the calibration/calib_images directory.

Note: if you're doing this on a raspberry pi raspistill -o output.jpg will take an image named output.jpg and save it to the home directory.

  1. Switch to the calibration directory cd calibration then run the calibration script

    python calibration/

    which detects the vertices of the checkerboard and determines the camera calibration parameters and writes them to a YAML file called calibration.yaml for later access.