A collection of custom tooling I've built. These are for educational purposes and I do not take responsibility for their misuse.
IAM identities can be enumerated in a target AWS account without authentication. This takes advantage of native AWS functionality and will likely always be an issue unless AWS makes significant changes which would cause customer impact (inconvenience).
There are multiple methods for this to work. See some examples on my blog.
This script will require:
- a target AWS Account ID (some ways to discover this discussed here)
- valid credentials in your AWS account
- an IAM Role in your account that you have access to run iam:UpdateAssumeRolePolicy on
This script was tested on Python version
python3 ./enumerate_aws_iam.py --help
usage: enumerate_aws_iam.py [-h] -p PROFILE -r ROLE_NAME -a ACCOUNT [-nf NAMES_FILE] [-rf ROLES_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
Enumerate IAM Users and Roles in AWS Accounts without authentication.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p, --profile PROFILE
Provide the AWS Profile to use for authentication.
-r, --role-name ROLE_NAME
Provide the IAM Role Name to test with. This must be a valid role in your account.
-a, --account ACCOUNT
Provide the target AWS Account ID to enumerate.
-nf, --names_file NAMES_FILE
Provide the file name containing user names to try.
-rf, --roles_file ROLES_FILE
Provide the file name containing role names to try.
-o, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
Name of the file to output valid identities.