v2.53 Network stability improvements
Please download from X-Plane.org.
- FIXED #219: Network timeouts are handled more dynamically and gracefully and don't lead to channel inactivation any longer.
Aircraft master data is fetched in order of distance, so that closest aircraft appear in proper livery first. - FIXED #215: Channels, which got inactivated after too many errors, can be restarted (from Settings > Input Channels and from Status / About).
- Stopped channels are no longer treated and saved as "disabled" and therefor will appear enabled after X-Plane restart.
Added Pilatus and other L1T planes to related.txt, as well as some more ground vehicle call signs to FlightModels.prf, see here. - ADDED more enhancements to FlightModels.prf and related.txt to better identify ground vehicles, business jets and small prop aircraft, see here.
- ADDED an option to the Debug settings to dump airport layout data for analysis purposes