v2.40 Technical Enhancements
Please download from X-Plane.org.
- ADDED #196 support for having 3rd party camera plugins take over LiveTraffic's camera view.
- CHANGED #204: OpenSky Master data is preferred as it can be maintained by everybody.
- ADDED #203 signature and notarization to the Mac version.
- ADDED TwinFan/XPMP2#27 remote support for the set of textual shared dataRefs.
- MODERNIZED #179 how LiveTraffic uses the XPMP2 library, shall slightly reduce performance impact.
- For 3rd party plugin developers:
- ADDED #196 two shared dataRefs to be notified when a LiveTraffic user activates the camera and to learn on which aircraft.
- CHANGED TwinFan/LTAPI#4: LTAPI can now return up to 40 chars in info.cslModel.
- ADDED TwinFan/XPMP2#26 a shared dataRef per plane holding the CSL Model used to render the plane.