Please download from X-Plane.org.
- ADDED #188 configuration options for maximum label distances / cut-off at visibility range
- CHANGED label's vertical position in relation to the plane depending on plane's WTC
- FIXED a crash when a LiveTraffic aircraft is turned invalid (due to new THREAD_is_main_thread validations in XP, see issue #190).
- FIXED other calls into X-Plane's API from worker threads, hopefully avoiding crashes in future versions of X-Plane when validations tighten even further.
- FIXED a potential crash when a LiveTraffic aircraft is turned invalid in a spearate thread while in parallel XPMP2 is sending its data to dataRefs (TCAS, multiplayer, shared info).
- FIXED initial height of A/C Info window so that no scrollbar appears
- FIXED two potential causes for aircraft invalidations