Abstract: Data-driven is an emerging trend that brings the need for more effective data analysis and visualization to get new knowledge and to leverage the benefits of advanced analytics of the volume of data they collect without IT knowledge. Analyzing and visualizing large volumes of data in business often suffers from performance in traditional systems with traditional tools. For understanding the data through visualization, we have tried various approaches, but this described in the paper with Power BI was the most efficient. This paper aims to provide a use case of effective implementation of Power BI tools in analyzing business data, more specifically in the Retail sample database of Microsoft, using the methodology of Big Data analytics and the features of Power BI tool.
Keywords: Data Analysis, Power BI, Descriptive Analytics
License: This is a group project, in which Tung Pham is a collaborator, in order to serve as the final project for the Fundamental of Data Analysis course taken at the University of Economics and Law (VNU-HCM)