Tags: Tubaleviao/hackathon-starter
6.0.0 - Dropped support for NodeJS 8.x, due to its EOL - Use HTML5 native client form validation (thanks to @peterblazejewicz) - Fix navbar rendering issues when using themes (thanks to @peterblazejewicz) - Fix button formatting issues when applying themes (thanks to @peterblazejewicz) - Fixed drop down menu to show correct formatting from the theme (thanks to @jonasroslund) - Config mongoose to use the new Server Discovery and Monitoring - Fix validation bug in Twitter, Pinterest, and Twilio API examples - Fix HERE icon in the API examples - Fix minor issues in Stripe and Lob API examples - Update dependencies - Update documentation (thanks in part to @noftaly, @yanivm)
5.1.4 (May 14, 2019) - Migrate from requestjs to axios (thanks to @FX-Wood) - Enable page templates to add items to the HTML head element - Fix bold font issue on macs (thanks to @neighlyd) - Use BASE_URL for github - Update min node engine to require Feb 2019 NodeJS security release - Add Node.js 12 to the travis build - Update dependencies - Update documentation (thanks in part to @anubhavsrivastava, @Fullchee, @luckymurari)
5.1.3 (April 7, 2019) - Update Steam API Integration - Upgrade flatly theme files to 4.3.1 - Migrate from bcrypt-nodejs to bcrypt - Use BASE_URL for twitter and facebook callbacks - Add a ChartJS example in combination with Alpha Vantage API usage (thanks to @T-travis) - Improve Github integration – use the user’s private email address if there is no public email listed (thanks to @danielhunt) - Improve the error handling for the NYT API Example - Add lodash 4.7 - Fixed gender radio buttons spacing - Fixed alignment Issue for login / sign in buttons at certain screen widths. (thanks to @eric-sciberras) - Remove Mozilla Persona information from README since it has been deprecated - Remove utils - Remove GSDK since it does not support Bootstrap 4(thanks to @laurenquinn5924) - Adding additional tests to cover some of the API examples - Add prod-checklist.md - Update dependencies - Update documentation (thanks in part to @GregBrimble)
5.1.2 Added Login by Snapchat (thanks to @nicholasgonzalezsc) Migrate the Foursquare API example to use Axios calls instead of the npm library Fixed minor visual issue in the web scraping example. Fixed issue with Popper.js integration (thanks to @binarymax and @Furchin) Fixed wrapping issues in the navbar and logo indentation (thanks to @estevanmaito) Fixed MongoDB deprecation warnings Add production error handler middleware that returns 500 to handle errors. Also handle server errors in the lastfm API example (thanks to @jagatfx) Added autocomplete properties to the views to address Chrome warnings (thanks to @peterblazejewicz) Fixed issues in the unit tests. Fixed issues in the modern theme variables and imports to be consistent (thanks to @monkeywithacupcake) Upgraded to Fontawesome to the latest version (thanks in part to @gesa) Upgraded eslint to v5. Updated dependencies Updated copyright year to include 2019 Minor code formatting improvements Replaced mLab instructions with MongoDB Atlas instructions (thanks to @mgautam98) Fixed issues in the readme (thanks to @nero-adaware , @empurium, @aschwtzr)
5.1.0 May 9, 2018 - Bootstrap 4.1 upgrade (breaking change) - Addition of popper.js - jQuery and Bootstrap will be pulled in the project using their npm packages - Dockerfile will use development instead of production - Security improvement by removing X-Powered-By header - Express errorhandler will only be used in development to match its documentation - Removed deprecated Instagram popular images API call from the Instagram example (@nacimgoura) - Removed `mongoose global.Promise` as it is no longer needed (@nacimgoura) - Refactoring of GitHub, last.fm api, twitter examples and code improvements to use ES6/ES7 features (@nacimgoura) - Add NodeJS 10 in travis.yml (@nacimgoura) - Improvements to the Steam API example (@nacimgoura) - Readme and documentation improvements (thanks in part to @nacimgoura) - Dependency update