Here is an introduction video:
Please watch the video demonstration here:
Please view the wiki to view the verbose instructions on how the project is setup.
The wiki contains a list of all the dependencies, the hardware we used, wiring diagrams on how to hook everything up, details about how we used IOTA Streams, and instructions on how to setup a pi zero the same way we did for this project.
Previous IOTA applications have shown transfer of digital goods, and electricity. This is the first project to have IOTA step into the material world by enabling people to use physical tools using IOTA. The details of this project offer the details on how to safely rent valuable and useful equipment to anyone through the use of a vending equipment chassis.
The demand for rental equipment exists, through an analysis I did on HomeDepot, on a subset of basic handheld rental tools HomeDepot has a lower bound on revenue of 80 million dollars a year. The conclusion from this, is a non-profit, potentially operated by a DAO, can enter the market by offering tools as a service.
In most converations on automation, it brings up hard feelings of lost jobs. In this instance, to operate a business that offers tools and equipment, which are the instuments of labor, at the lowest cost possible by the implementation of automation, would enable new jobs through their own employment as entrepenurs. The cost and availablity of specialized tools of manufacturing is the barrier to entry for new firms in a market. IOTA Workshop is the proof that this technology can offer the neccesities for anyone to start producing goods without having their wage cut by the employer and the owner of the capital.
Peter Kropotin, in The Conquest of Bread, vivdly depicts the destitute lives of workers born into a stratum unable to own their instruments of labour, "The shafts of the mine still bear on their rocky walls the marks made by the pick of workman who toiled to excavate them. The space between each prop in the underground galleries might be marked as a miner's grave; and who can tell what each of these graves has cost, in tears, in privitations, in unspeakable wretchedness to the family who depenen on the scanty wage of the worker cut off in his prime by fire-damp, rock-fall, or flood?"
To learn more about the ideology about behind the IOTA Workshop, I urge you to take a look at the white paper.
Please view the wiki to see a list of the components and how to compile them together to replicate the IOTA Workshop proof of concept. To view the website and see the current go to
The following is a abstract on how this proof of concept operates. This project contains the logic involved with creaing a vending equipment serivce; fully autonomous and operated using the IOTA ledger. An e-paper display interfaces with the user to guiding them through depositing IOTA into an escrow account. This operates a servo that is pick proof to unlock a box that gives access to an tool which is the instrument of producion. When the user retuns the tool, an RFID sensor will detect and confirm the tool has been returned and will finish the escrow by returning the deposit on the tool. The servo then proceeds to lock the box, disabling people from trying to steal the tool inside.
View the wiki page for more info on how this project uses streams.
This project uses iota streams to store the state of the chassis in the iota ledger and keep the prices and fees transparent. To view the log of the escrow from this project please visit:
The current channel for this POC is: 0538eddf3842a62cc48f58d706245e3b987896de454da36576d81e32af62d90b0000000000000000:da3d2e69622ed8f730f2ddaa
Streams are used to make the escrow transparent. You can see if someone is using the tool inside the chassis, the tool used and the escrow address in holding. By using streams everything is immutable and available for anyone to audit if the chassis is acting in a non-corrupt fair manner.
The data we store from the escrow using streams include:
: The name of the toolcollateral
: The refundable collateral costfee
: The non-refundable feeavailable
: Availability of the tool (if the tool is being used)verification
: The verification condition that is required for a refund of collateralesrow_address
: The escrow addressdeposit_address
: The deposit addressstatus
: A string that represents the current status of the chassis
For this POC you can view all the streams states at our website:
To view more deails about how we use and implement the streams please take a look at the wiki page on IOTA Streams:
First please check with the wiki on the parts you need and the how to wire the device, then you can proceed on installing the software.
To run this program you need to clone the repo or pull the
file, then install the dependencies,
pip install iotaescrow servo_lock pibeep piepd rc522
You will also need RPi.GPIO
, which because I was running an arch arm operation system I installed it using the arch aur repo using,
yay -S python-raspberry-gpio
If you are using ubuntu orrasbian you can use,
pip install RPi.GPIO
All of the code used in this project is encapulsated into a easy to use pip package. Many of them have command line interfaces to use the tool and they can all be imported as a module to have enable advanced usage. The following project uses these packages that I built, each of which holds a general purpose beyond this project.
- iotaescrow: A escrow implementation using IOTA.
- servo_lock: A general purpose, high level servo controller.
- pibeep: A buzzer utility that offers a variety of sounds and enables tools to make any sound possible using buzzers.
- piepd: A e-paper controller that displays text or QR codes using any of the waveshare screens.
- rc522: An RFID sensor utility used to confirm and verify RFID tags for the rc522 sensor.
This project uses IOTA streams to publish the current state of the ledger. We used,
- iot2tangle Streams Http Gateway: A rust lib that offers IOTA streams through an API.
- iot2tangle Keepy: A nodejs api that connects to the streams gateway and stores a copy of the streams in a mysql database.
With these two dependencies installed, when using the
if you set the --keepy
argument, the escrow data will be stored in streams.
Here are a few examples on how to run the code through cli,
#The following will request 1.01KIOTA as a deposit, take 10 IOTA as a fee for a hammer
python --collateral 1010 --fee 10 --name "hammer"
#The following will implement iotastreams and store the state of the escrow in the ledger
python --collateral 105 --fee 5 --name "lock pick" --keepy
Here is a video demonstation of the IOTA Workshop chasis: