Polygon NFT Marketplace smart contract with NFT Trading and Auction
You can deploy the smart contract on Remix online tool
we can deploy in on the Hardhat Framework.
Update the marketplace new Fee amount.(Initial amount is 5%)
@param _newFee This is new marketplace fee amount
function updateTotalFee(
uint256 _newFee
) external {}
Update the Recipient addresses and fee amounts
@param _recipient These are the updated recipient addresses of the fees.
@param _fee These are the updated fees for the recipients to receive.
function updateFeeAndRecipient(
address[] memory _recipient,
uint256[] memory _fee
) external {}
Users can create the list of their NFTs to sell.
@param _token This is the address of the ERC1155 token.
@param _tokenId This is the ID of the token that's inside of the ERC1155 token.
@param _amountOfToken This is the amount of tokens that are going to be sold in the offer.
@param _deadline This is the final date in (seconds) so the offer ends.
@param _price This is the full price for the amountOfToken that user passed as the param.
@dev We are making some require for the parameters that needs to be required.
@return Return true if the sell is created successfully.
function createList(
address _token,
uint256 _tokenId,
uint256 _amountOfToken,
uint256 _deadline,
uint256 _price
) external returns (bool) {}
Users can buy the listed NFTs when they want.
@param _sellId This is the ID of the SellList that's stored in mapping function.
function buyListToken(
uint256 _sellId
) external payable returns (bool) {}
The lister can cancel the list with this function
@param _sellId The ID of the sell that you want to cancel.
function cancelList(
uint256 _sellId
) external returns (bool) {}
Users can transfer their NFTs to the specific wallet.
@param _receiver This is the address which will be receive the token.
@param _token This is the address of the ERC1155 token.
@param _tokenId This is the ID of the token that's inside of the ERC1155 token.
@param _amountOfToken This is the amount of tokens that are going to be transferred.
@dev We are making some require for the parameters that needs to be required.
@return Return true if the sell is created successfully.
function transfer(
address _receiver,
address _token,
uint256 _tokenId,
uint256 _amountOfToken
) external returns (bool) {}
Users can make an offer for the listed NFT.
@param _sellId The ID of the sell that you want to make an offer.
@param _price The offer price for _sellId.
function makeOffer(
uint256 _sellId,
uint256 _price
) external payable returns (bool) {}
Users can accept the offer what they want.
@param _sellId The ID of the sell that you want to make an offer.
@param _offerCount The offer count to be accepted from the seller.
function acceptOffer(
uint256 _sellId,
uint256 _offerCount
) external returns (bool) {}
Users can cancel their offers if they are not accepted.
@param _sellId The ID of the sell that you want to make an offer.
@param _offerCount The offer count to be cancelled from the offerAddress.
function cancelOffer(
uint256 _sellId,
uint256 _offerCount
) external returns (bool) {}
Users can deposit the Matic amount to the marketplace as escrow.
@dev This function used to deposit the Matic on this platform
function depositEscrow() external payable returns (bool) {}
Users can escrow the Matic amount from the escrowVault(this smart contract).
@dev This function used to withdraw the Matic on this platform
@param _amount This is the amount of the Matic to withdraw from the marketplace
function withdrawEscrow(
uint256 _amount
) external returns (bool) {}
Users can create the auction with some variables.
@param _token This is the address of the ERC1155 token.
@param _tokenId This is the ID of the token that's inside of the ERC1155 token.
@param _amountOfToken This is the amount of tokens that are going to be created in auction.
@param _startPrice This is the start Price of the auction.
@param _minIncrement This is the min increment of the bids in this auction.
@param _startDate This is the start date in (seconds) so the auction starts.
@param _duration This is the duration of this auction.
@param _reserved 1: reserved acution 0: normal auction
@dev We are making some require for the parameters that needs to be required.
@return Return true if the auction is created successfully.
function createAuction(
address _token,
uint256 _tokenId,
uint256 _amountOfToken,
uint256 _startPrice,
uint256 _minIncrement,
uint256 _startDate,
uint256 _duration,
bool _reserved
) external returns (bool) {}
Users can place bid to the _auctionId auction with value - payable function.
@param _auctionId Users can bid to the _auctionId with value
function placeBid(
uint256 _auctionId
) external payable returns (bool) {}
The auction creator can cancel the auction if there is no highest bidder and auction ended.
@param _auctionId The auction Creator can cancel the auction
function cancelAuction(
uint256 _auctionId
) external returns (bool) {}
The highest bidder can claim the auction result - send NFT to the highest bidder, transfer bid to auction creator.
@param _auctionId The highest bidder can claim the _auctionId's result
function claimAuction(
uint256 _auctionId
) external returns (bool) {}