Portfolio generator using REACT, AUTH0 and AWS S3, CloudFront, Lambda, DynamoDB
- Create 3 AWS Lambda Functions with following Permissios (Content of functions is in AWS Lambda folder):-
- cloudFront_cache_invalidator --> CreateInvalidation For CloudFront
- porfolio_destroyer ----> S3 Full Write Access, DynamoDB Full Access
- portfolio_creator ----> S3 Full Write Access, DynamoDB Full Access
- portfolio_editor ----> DynamoDB Full Access
- s3_signed_url ---------> S3 Full Access
- Update lamda function URL settings for all 3:-
Function URL Config=>
* Auth Tyep: NONE
* Confiure CORS: Enable
* Allow origin: *
* Expose Headers: access-control-allow-origin
* Allow headers: content-type
* Allowed Methods: GET, POST
- Update function URLs in .env file. Also get AUTH0 credentails and update it in .env file.
- For AUTH0 setup, please refer:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAzqscDx580
Create S3 bucket and use OAI + Cloudfront to make it publicaly available. Also update bucket name and cloudfront distribution id in lambda functions
Add below CORS policy in s3 bucket (Bucket >> Permissions >> Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)):-
[ { "AllowedHeaders": [ "" ], "AllowedMethods": [ "PUT", "POST" ], "AllowedOrigins": [ "" ], "ExposeHeaders": [], "MaxAgeSeconds": 3000 } ]
Create DynamoDB table with "email_hash" as partition key. Update database name in creator and destroyer functions.
Install REACT dependecies and run
npm i
npm start