The Purpose of this texture pack is to fit my own style, and is fairly similar to my BetterDiscord theme Fuchsia Darkness
The texture pack supports and is intended to be used with Optifine.
The texture pack works with some pre-combat updates (1.7.x-1.8.x) and all post-combat update Minecraft versions (v1.9.x-1.18.x).
I've modified some textures in Tinkers Construct, Iron Chests and JEI to keep consistency with the texture pack's UI.
I've made my own little pack for Vanilla Tweaks collection, which should spice up the texture pack a bit more. Limited on what I was able to add since adding more (ie. Bushy leaves, Groovy levers, just to name a couple) would require editing/fixing of the VT texture pack, which I do not want to do. Collection link:
Sharp-edged fuchsia-colored Inventory