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Releases: ToxicFrog/doom-mods

Indestructable 0.3.1

03 Jan 19:53
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This is a bugfix release.

  • New:
    • Screenflash when lives are gained, configurable in settings.
  • Fix:
    • Current lifecount is now properly reported after respawning in co-op
    • Timestop should no longer cause sound to break after it triggers.
    • Compatibility with other timestop effects should be improved, especially Gearbox.

Gun Bonsai 0.10.6

03 Jan 19:55
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This is a bugfix release.

  • Change:
    • Scavenge Steel and Scavenge Blood drops are now fullbrights rather than dynamic light sources.
    • Screenflash when gaining extra lives via Indestructable is now configured in that mod, rather than hard-coded in GB.
  • Fix:
    • Swiftness should no longer cause sound to break after it triggers.
    • Swiftness compatibility with other timestop effects should be improved.
    • Crash in menu code after learning Juggler, Intuition, or other upgrades without tooltips

Indestructable 0.3.0

25 Dec 20:09
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⚠ This update breaks save, setting, and netevent compatibility! ⚠

This brings a number of new features, including pistol start compatibility, LANGUAGE support, better Gun Bonsai integration, and completionist options, as well as a lot of small fixes and an RPC service to make it easier to integrate with other mods. However, the CVAR configuration has been rearranged, the netevents have been renamed, and several internal structures have been changed. For this reason, you should finish any games in progress before updating, and check your settings to make sure they are as expected after updating.

If you use Gun Bonsai/Indestructable integration, you will now need to explicitly turn that on in the settings, and update to GB 0.10.5.

  • New:
    • Menu strings and in-game messages are now stored in a LANGUAGE lump and can be translated.
    • Optional compatibility with death exits and pistol start mods (see the Compatibility section in the options menu).
    • Awarding of extra lives on level clear can now be made contingent on 100% kills, 100% secrets, either, or both.
    • Optional granting of bonus lives based on damage survived, similar to how the Gun Bonsai upgrade Indestructable works.
    • Gun Bonsai integration is now explicitly turned on with a configuration option rather than implicitly turned on based on your other settings. See the Compatibility section.
    • A Service is now included to make it easier to write integrations with other mods. It supports RPCs for adjusting and querying the player's lifecount. See the "Mod Integration" chapter in the README for details.
  • Changed:
    • Min lives on boss kill setting removed
    • Max lives on boss kill and max lives on level clear settings combined into one max lives setting
    • Lives on new game and min lives on entering level settings ignore max lives
    • indestructable_report_lives netevent renamed indestructable-report-lives
    • New indestructable-clamp-lives and indestructable-set-lives netevents, for debugging (use the RPC service instead for mod interop)
    • Dying (for real) and respawning in a co-op game now starts you with the starting life count rather than however many you had (typically 0) when you died
  • Fix:
    • Indestructable buff timer no longer counts down when the player has the TOTALLYFROZEN flag set. In particular, this means that it won't expire while the player is frozen by mods like Gearbox.
    • Extra lives are not consumed if the player is using god mode or has the buddha-nature, even if it looks like they are about to die.
    • Softlocks should no longer happen when Indestructable triggers at the same time as Gun Bonsai's Swiftness upgrade.
    • Multiplayer games with more than 8 players are now (theoretically) supported, if the underlying engine supports that.
    • Players joining a multiplayer game partway through a level should get some extra lives as if they had started a new game.
    • Lives for clearing a level are now assigned as you exit the cleared level, not as you enter the new one, fixing some weird edge cases.
    • Improved detection for return visits to the same level, so that it doesn't award level-clear lives multiple times in games like Hexen.
    • Tooltips now display on the left side of the screen rather than the bottom, so that they no longer cover the last few options.
    • Time stop effect could permanently make sounds stop playing
    • Potential desync when handling netevents

Gun Bonsai 0.10.5

25 Dec 20:18
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This is a bugfix release.

  • New:
    • A Service is now included to make it easier to write integrations with other mods. It supports RPCs for adding XP or upgrades to players and weapons. See for details.
    • You can now change the effective level of an upgrade by pressing left and right on the status screen, to any level between 1 and its max level. (You cannot set an upgrade to level 0; to turn it off, press enter). The tooltip will update to show the current effects of the upgrade. The level change may not take effect immediately for all upgrades, e.g. new elemental debuffs you inflict will use the new level but existing ones will use the old level.
  • Change:
    • Indestructable integration updated to support Indestructable 0.3.x. If you use the integration, you must update both mods for it to function properly.
    • Deprecated bonsai_choose_level_up_option netevent finally removed.
    • Bandoliers is now disabled when DRLA is loaded, as it conflicts with the DRLA backpacks.
  • Fix:
    • Multiplayer games with more than 8 players are now (theoretically) supported, if the underlying engine supports that.
    • Softlock when Swiftness upgrade and Indestructable trigger at the same time should no longer occur.
    • AutoAutoSave integration is now properly documented in the README.
    • Samsara Reincarnation compatibility settings (automatically applied via BONSAIRC), thanks to cubebert.
    • BONSAIRC prefixes now match * against one or more characters, as they were always meant to, rather than zero or more. If you want to match "all classes starting with Foo, including Foo itself", use Foo Foo*.
    • BONSAIRC unregister directives now always take precedence over register directives, regardless of order. In particular, this means that a mod can now include a BONSAIRC that unregisters incompatible upgrades and this will work regardless of load order.
    • Compatibility restored with lzDoom and Hedon Bloodrite (broken since 0.10.0)
    • Hedon Axe and Bearzerker Axe are now properly flagged as MELEE
    • Swiftness upgrade or opening the menu could permanently make sounds stop playing (in Hedon and possibly some other wads)
    • Setting the level-up flash to white (255,255,255) would result in a black flash instead of a white one.
    • All randomness sinks moved from the global RNG to individual RNGs in a desperate and probably futile attempt to stop desyncs in co-op.
    • Typo in the description for Aggressive Defence.

Gun Bonsai 0.10.4

20 Aug 19:57
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This update breaks configuration compatibility. If you have set either of the "upgrade choices per level" options to "all upgrades", you will need to open the options screen and fix them.

It also includes fixes from 0.10.3, which never got a proper release.

  • New:
    • Screen flash colour on level up can be customized
    • AutoAutoSave support
  • Balance:
    • Infernal Kiln:
      • softcap at 10 seconds, +5/level
      • hardcap at 20 seconds, +10/level
      • charges 2x as fast
      • adds 1-3 damage/level depending on how charged it is, rather than a flat 2/level
      • still blocks 2/level, but cannot reduce damage below 1
      • blocking damage reduces duration by 1 second per 10 damage blocked
      • These changes are meant to make it more useful at low levels, while also making it impossible to rack up tens of minutes of duration and get effectively permanent damage/armour bonuses and complete immunity to scratch damage.
  • Change:
    • If you have multiple pending upgrades, you will be prompted for all of them in succession rather than neding to open the menu for each one
    • bonsai_upgrades_per_gun_level can now be set to 0 to let you gain levels without actually gaining upgrades
    • bonsai_upgrades_per_player_level likewise
    • Check your settings: if you previously had these set to 0 for "all upgrades", you will need to go into the menu and change them to -1.
    • Screen flashes are shorter overall; weapon level-up flashes are shorter than player level-up.
  • Fix:
    • A few additional option strings are now defined in LANGUAGE and can be localized
    • Leveling up while somehow having no upgrades available no longer crashes the game
    • Bandoliers upgrade is disabled when Trailblazer or Dehacked Defence is loaded
    • Upgrades no longer tick (and buffs no longer count down) when the player has
      the TOTALLYFROZEN flag set. In particular, this fixes some weirdness (and
      a potential softlock) when using the Gearbox weapon selector in "freeze" mode.
    • Some upgrade tooltips were incorrect or incomplete.


  • Fix:
    • Crash when hallucinating monster receives sourceless damage
    • [speculative] Crash in Sweep and Cleave when monsters vanish in mid-attack
    • Clear target when Revivified minion blinks in, preventing it from remaining obsessed with enemies elsewhere in the map

Indestructable 0.2.8

18 Jul 01:04
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This is a bugfix release.

  • Fix:
    • "max lives per boss kill" did not function correctly when set to 0/unlimited
    • boss kills were not reliably detected

libtooltipmenu 0.2.4

15 Jul 17:14
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This is a bugfix release. The bug in question doesn't affect Gun Bonsai or Indestructable, so they aren't getting new builds just for this.

  • Fix:
    • SelectedItem and DefaultSelection were not handled properly, resulting in a default selection further down the menu than intended for some menus.

Gun Bonsai 0.10.2

13 Jul 01:43
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  • Fix:
    • Crash when loading GB with Adventures of Square

Gun Bonsai 0.10.1

11 Mar 21:21
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This is a bugfix release for problems reported in 0.10.0.

  • Fix:
    • Some weapons in Project Brutality were incorrectly flagged as melee or wimpy.
    • Crash when using the Shield upgrade.
    • Aggressive Defence was not properly disposing of some missiles, allowing them to still hit the player.
    • Some strings (in particular for durations in Shield and Swiftness) were not properly localized.

Gun Bonsai 0.10.0

10 Mar 03:06
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This release changes a lot. While it is save compatible with 0.9.x in the sense
that your save files will still load, depending on what the circumstances of the
save were you may experience unusual effects or be permanently locked out of
some upgrades. Starting a new game is recommended.

  • New:
    • Russian translation! Thank you Blueberryy for the contribution.
    • More HUD elements and abbreviations are now in the LANGUAGE lump.
    • Cool fizzy effect when a Revivification minion dies.
    • Sweep: a melee-only upgrade that hits multiple enemies whenever you attack.
    • Cleave: a melee-only upgrade that gives you free attacks with every kill.
    • Personal ECM: a player upgrade that reprograms hostile seekers to hunt nearby monsters instead.
    • Decoy Flares: projectiles you fire distract enemy seekers.
    • Aggressive Defence: attacking an enemy will destroy projectiles near it.
    • Hazard Suit: reduces environmental damage (e.g. hurtfloors).
    • Bandoliers: increases ammo capacity for all weapons.
    • Level-up menus now let you view the tooltips for, and toggle on and off, the upgrades you already have.
    • Enemies affected by Hallucinogens now have rainbow particles/flashes.
  • Balance:
    • Thunderbolt is now the intermediate lightning upgrade.
    • Thunderbolt is now a temporary stun and AoE slow, rather than a damage bonus.
    • Thunderbolt gets harder to trigger (on that enemy) every time it procs.
    • Revivification is now one of the two lightning masteries, opposite Chain Lightning.
    • Revivification can't raise bosses. No pet Cyberdemon, sorry.
    • Homing Shots will now fly straight until they get within a certain distance of their target.
    • Homing Shots max level increased from 4 to 12.
    • Homing Shots turn rate adjusted.
    • Scavenge Lead ammo drops quantities adjusted, and now range from 20% normal for the weakest enemies to 400% normal for the Cyberdemon. If this would result in fractional ammo the drop is probabalistic, e.g. if an enemy drops 0.5 rockets that's a 50/50 chance of getting one rocket or no rocket.
    • Scavenge Blood and Scavenge Steel pickup radius increased from 20 to 32.
    • Swiftness transition period from time stop to normal speed increased from 0.5s to 1.8s
    • Swiftness transition period runs at 50-75% normal speed rather than 25%.
    • Acid damage buffed; it now starts at 5 dps and ramps up to 30 from 50%->10% hp, rather than 1->10 dps from 50%->0% hp. The total amount of damage remains the same but it is inflicted more quickly.
    • Hallucinogens cause enemies to deal and receive 1 damage vs. players.
    • Hallucinogens cause poison to tick down more slowly.
    • Submunitions producer fewer bomblets
    • Submunitions do damage based on target total HP, split across all bomblets
    • Submunitions bomblets do full damage to enemies anywhere in the blast radius
    • Major redesign of Revivification and Shield; see below.
  • Revivification changes:
    • Revivification now gives you a single minion. It sticks around until it either dies, or you kill something more powerful (which replaces it).
    • Revivification always succeeds, if the target can be raised at all.
    • After a period of time out of combat, your minion will unsummon; it will reappear at your location the next time you take damage.
    • Minions inherit most of your offensive upgrades. This potentially makes them much more powerful.
    • Each weapon with Revivification on it hosts a different minion; putting away your weapon will unsummon its minion, and drawing it will summon it again.
    • From level 2 onwards, minions are hasted and aggressive (+ALWAYSFAST and +MISSILEMORE).
    • From level 3 onwards, they are even more aggressive and can fly (+FLOAT, +NOGRAVITY, and +MISSILEEVENMORE).
  • Shield changes:
    • Shield is now melee-only and cannot appear on wimpy weapons.
    • Shield provides significantly improved protection against melee attacks
    • Shield provides slightly worse protection against ranged attacks
    • Shield's protection is only active while you are attacking something in melee.
    • Killing an enemy in melee extends the protection by several seconds so you can find a new demon to punch.
    • Thanks to DarkkOne for the idea.
  • Fix:
    • Friendly monsters, if they have a controlling player (via the FriendlyPlayer field), will inherit that player's attack upgrades, and that player will get XP for the monster's attacks.
    • Revivified monsters properly set the FriendlyPlayer field to the player that raised them.
    • Revivified monsters properly take and receive 1 damage from the player again.
    • Revivified monsters take and deal reduced damage to all players, not just the player who raised them.
    • Revivified monsters are erased on death to prevent them from being re-raised by viles and the like.
    • Killing an unraisable monster no longer creates a Revivification helper actor that sticks around forever.
    • Code that needs to find all monsters in an area now uses BlockThingsIterator rather than A_Explode+DoSpecialDamage. This should improve both performance and maintainability. Thanks to RatCircus for pointing me in the right direction.
    • Homing Shots now checks line of sight to the monster it's locked onto and does not change course until it has a clear flight path. In conjunction with the balance changes above they should now be much less prone to flying into the floor/ceiling.
    • More HUD and menu elements (the Lv. and XP abbreviations and the Level header) are now drawn from the LANGUAGE lumps.
    • Burning Terror now properly checks to see if it should wear off.
    • Burning Terror has the intended ~20%/second chance to wear off once the enemy stops burning rather than a ~97%/second chance.
    • ModifyDamageDealt and ModifyDamageReceived are now aware of the damagetype and can use it to make decisions
    • 0-speed "projectiles" are now guessed to be puffs instead; this fixes the Railgun in Pandemonia being mis-detected as a projectile weapon.
    • If bonsai_use_builtin_actors is false, it will fall back to generating multiple small health/armour drops if, for some reason, it can't generate one big one.
    • Bouncy Shots now actually bounce the listed number of times.
    • Revivification and Hallucinogens should no longer make it impossible to get 100% kills under some circumstances.
    • Submunitions bomblet spawning and despawning is smeared across multiple tics
    • Weapons with alternate powered-up forms (e.g. via the Heretic Tome of Power) now have the same XP cost to level up as their non-powered-up form, even if they are a different weapon type. This also fixes some issues with weapons marked as "equivalent" in some mods that require different amounts of XP to level up.