Title: Extended Play at Faraday Museum
Theme: Object animation using Augmented Reality for Faraday Museum.
Description: This is a project for Faraday Museum on of the Museums of Instituto Superior Técnico. The idea of this project, is to give life to objects that can't be intractable, to improve the visiting experience of the museum and to create an interactive learning experience. This project follows a Mobile Augmeted Reality approach with User Centered Desing. It also has the collaboration of the Faculty of Fine Arts.
IST-Thesis-Faraday-Museum ├─ Artist Work │ └─ Contains the work done by the Fine Arts Students ├─ Project │ └─ Contains the work developed in the context of this thesis ├─ State of the Art │ └─ Contains the work performed in the thesis project class ├─ Targets │ └─ Contains the image and model targets to use with our app ├─ Thesis │ └─ Thesis documents and presentation └─ User Tests Data └─ Contains the data collected during the user tests performed
Video: Cathode Ray-Model Target-Faraday Museum-UserTest
Video: Cathode Ray-Model Target-Faraday Museum
- Prof. Rui Prada (IST)
- Prof. Patríacia Gouveia (Fine Arts Faculty)
- 3D artist: Marta Mendes
You can reach the team by email us at [email protected]