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This repository contains the connector and configuration code only. The implementer is responsible to acquire the connection details such as username, password, certificate, etc. You might even need to sign a contract or agreement with the supplier before implementing this connector. Please contact the client's application manager to coordinate the connector requirements.

Table of contents


The HelloID-Conn-Prov-Target-Ysis is a target connector that creates and updates user accounts, modules and roles within Ysis.

Ysis provides a set of SCIM ( based API's. The HelloID connector uses the API endpoints listed in the table below.

Endpoint Description
/cas/oauth/token Generate an authorization token
/gm/api/um/scim/v2/users Search, create or update an account; assign or remove modules or roles to account
/gm/api/um/scim/v2/roles Get role data; default roles and custom roles

The API has a limitation requiring the complete account object to be sent when updating an account. For further details, refer to the Ysis SCIM documentation: Ysis SCIM Documentation. (


Changing the discipline of an existing account is not supported. If a discipline change is attempted during the update life-cycle, a conditional event is triggered, sending an email notification to the Ysis administrator.

  • In Ysis each account is assigned a discipline that serves as the account type.
  • If a user requires a different or additional discipline, a new account must be created with the desired discipline. This process involves manual actions by the Ysis administrator.

The following lifecycle action scripts and supporting files are available:

Action Description
create.ps1 PowerShell create or correlate lifecycle action. If correlated and UpdateOnCorrelate is configured, the update script will be processed
delete.ps1 PowerShell delete lifecycle action. Archives the Ysis account, optionally update Username to YsisInitials
disable.ps1 PowerShell disable lifecycle action
enable.ps1 PowerShell enable lifecycle action
update.ps1 PowerShell update lifecycle action. Conditional event on discipline change
permissions/modules/grantPermission.ps1 PowerShell grant module lifecycle action
permissions/modules/revokePermission.ps1 PowerShell revoke module lifecycle action
permissions/modules/permissions.ps1 PowerShell permissions modules lifecycle action
permissions/roles/grantPermission.ps1 PowerShell grant role lifecycle action
permissions/roles/revokePermission.ps1 PowerShell revoke role lifecycle action
permissions/roles/permissions.ps1 PowerShell permissions roles lifecycle action
configuration.json Default configuration.json
fieldMapping.json Default fieldMapping.json
assets/YsisMapping.csv Example Ysis discipline mapping csv
assets/ConditionalNotification.mjml Example Discipline has changed notification

Getting Started


  • A server with a local agent is required.
  • The outgoing IP address of the HelloID agent server must be whitelisted by GeriMedica.
  • A mapping between function and discipline is created.
  • The end date for active accounts should be cleared (see End date must be cleared


You can validate the outgoing IP address on the HelloID agent server with the following PowerShell script:

$ip = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "" -method get
Write-Verbose -Verbose "$($ip.ip)"

Correlation configuration

The correlation configuration is used to specify which properties will be used to match an existing account within _HelloID-Conn-Prov-Target-Ysis to a person in HelloID. Correlation within Ysis only possible on the attribute 'employeeNumber'.

| Setting                   | Value            |
| ------------------------- | ---------------- |
| Enable correlation        | `True`           |
| Person correlation field  | `ExternalId`     |
| Account correlation field | `EmployeeNumber` |


The employee number must be correctly registered for users in Ysis for correlation to work. For more information on correlation, please refer to our correlation documentation pages.

Field mapping

The field mapping can be imported by using the fieldMapping.json file.

Connection settings

The following settings are required to connect to the API.

Setting Description
ClientID The ClientId to connect to the Ysis API
ClientSecret The ClientSecret to connect to the Ysis API
BaseUrl The URL to the Ysis environment. Example:
MappingFile The mapping between function and discipline
UpdateUsernameOnDelete Update username to the YsisIntials when archiving Ysis account
IsDebug When toggled, debug logging will be displayed


Concurrent actions to 1

Set the number of concurrent actions to 1. Otherwise, the modules and roles permission operations of one run will interfere with that of another run.

PUT method for all update actions

All update actions use an HTTP.PUT method. This means that the full account object will be send to Ysis. For both the enable and disable lifecycle actions, we first retrieve the account, update the active property accordingly and send back the full object.

Full update within the update lifecycle action

The update lifecycle action now supports a full account update. Albeit, the update itself is a PUT. This means that the full object will be updated within Ysis. Since the update process is also supported from the create lifecycle action, this might have unexpected implications.

Some values may not be available in HelloID because they are not available in the HR system. If these values are added manually in Ysis you need to make sure HelloID sends back the current value in the update.ps1 script. Example:

   #if not mapped use current value:
   if (-not [bool]($ -match "agbCode")) {
       $ysisaccount.'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:ysis:2.0:User'.agbCode = $currentAccount.'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:ysis:2.0:User'.agbCode

   #if not mapped use current value:
   if (-not [bool]($ -match "bigNumber")) {
       $ysisaccount.'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:ysis:2.0:User'.bigNumber = $currentAccount.'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:ysis:2.0:User'.bigNumber

Archiving an Ysis-account

HelloID can archive a Ysis account, but can't dearchive an Ysis account. HelloID will update the Ysis username to the YsisIntials if updateUsernameOnDelete is enabled i to make sure a new account can be created. If updating the username is not used. Then this can result in messages regarding existing usernames. The archived account then needs to be dearchived manually or corrected by setting a dummy username.

Conditional event for notification when discipline changes

A conditional event needs to be set up based on changes of the discipline. On this event a notification can be configured to send an e-mail to the Ysis-administrator.


How to configure:

  1. Make sure Discipline is added in the field mapping.
  2. Go to Business Custom events, create a new custom event. Select the Ysis connector, action Account update and add a condition with field Discipline is updated.
  3. Go to Notifications Configuration, create a new notification. Select your Ysis custom event. Import the conditional-notification.mjml template.

For more information custom events, please refer to our documentation pages.

Fields "Beroep" and "Opmerking" are cleared

When updating an account, the fields "Beroep" and "Opmerking" cannot be set and are instead cleared in Ysis. We have opened a support ticket with Ysis and will provide updates on this issue as more information becomes available.

End date must be cleared

Existing end dates must be cleared for [active] accounts. When HelloID manages the person card in Ysis, it is blocked on the contract's end date. The existing end date in Ysis cannot be modified via the Ysis web service. Ysis automatically blocks individuals whose end date has passed in Ysis, even if HelloID has reactivated the person.

Username must be unique in Ysis

The attribute Username must also be unique in Ysis (active, inactive, and archived)

Getting help

For more information on how to configure a HelloID PowerShell connector, please refer to our documentation pages

If you need help, feel free to ask questions on our forum

HelloID Docs

The official HelloID documentation can be found at: