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Import/Export Excel util, base on apache POI


  • Include maven dependency


  • Define field/cell mapping in javabean:
@ExcelSheet(name="商品列表",colSplit = 4, rowSplit = 1, protectSheet = false)
public class Goods {
    private String name; //商品名

    @ExcelCell(col ="B",name="单位",width = 4, align = HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT,comment = "测试B1单元格备注功能")
    private String unit; //单位

    @ExcelCell(col ="C",name="规格",align = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER)
    private String format; //规格

    @ExcelCell(col ="D",name="生产厂家", wrapText= true, width = 4, comment = "测试单元格宽度、自动换行、备注功能")
    private String factory;//生产厂家

    @ExcelCell(col ="E",name="生产时间", dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
    private Date manufactureTime;

    @ExcelCell(col="F", name="出厂日期",dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy")
    private Instant productionDate;

    @ExcelCell(col="G", name="数量", comment = "测试G1单元格备注功能")
    private int quantity;

    @ExcelCell(col="H", name="价格",hidden = true,comment = "test hide column")
    private double price;

    @ExcelCell(col="I", name="售价",format ="#,##0.00")
    private Float sellPrice;

    public String toString() {
        return "Goods{" +
            "name='" + name + '\'' +
            ", unit='" + unit + '\'' +
            ", format='" + format + '\'' +
            ", factory='" + factory + '\'' +

  • Import/Export excel
public class ExcelUtilTest {

    public void testImportExport() throws IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
        List<Goods> list = ExcelUtil.importFromPath("src/test/resources/goods.xlsx", Goods.class,1);
        for (Goods goods : list) {

        ExcelUtil.exportToFile("src/test/resources/export-goods.xlsx", list);



Testing excel file sample: goods.xlsx.

Please refer to test package for more detail: Test package
