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TonimatasDEV edited this page Oct 14, 2024 · 6 revisions



Update Checker

updateChecker: true

This option is used to disable or enable the update checker.


metrics: true

This option is used to disable sending metrics to bStats. Disabling this may reduce the CPU usage very slightly.

Disabled message

disabledCommandMessage: "&4[Server]: &f{player} this command is disabled for {world}."

This message will be sent every time a person puts a blocked command without an alternative


blacklist: true

This option is used to add the plugins into a blacklist.

Setting blacklist: true causes plugin that are added to the list to not work in the specified world.

Setting blacklist: false causes plugin that are added to the list to work in the specified world. Those that are not listed there, won't work.

Plugin List

    - world
    - world_nether

This is an example of the plugins list. It automatically adds the name of each of the plugins you have in your server, so you don't have to worry about that. In this list you can add the worlds you want to disable/enable depending on the blacklist configuration. You can see the name of the worlds in your worlds folder.


For ignore a plugin put ":ignore" in the plugin can you ignore.

    - :ignore""

The plugin will be completely ignored, and PWP will not check for any plugin events/commands.

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