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Module resolution for Deno specifiers.

This project provides a solution to resolve the module specifier supported by Deno.

Specifically, it resolves the following scheme as in the Deno runtime.

  • jsr:
  • npm:
  • https: or http:
  • node:
  • data:
  • file:

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deno add @miyauci/esbuild-deno-specifier


Esbuild implements a node_modules resolution algorithm that is compatible with Node.js.

However, since Deno is different from Node.js, it is difficult to use it as is.

Therefore, we have reimplemented the module resolution algorithm for bundler.


In Default, module resolution is performed by referring to Deno's Global cache.

import * as esbuild from "npm:esbuild";
import { denoSpecifier } from "jsr:@miyauci/esbuild-deno-specifier";

  plugins: [denoSpecifier()],
  entryPoints: ["jsr:@std/bytes"],
  bundle: true,
  format: "esm",

The specifier would be resolved as follows:

scheme path
jsr: DENO_DIR/deps/https/
npm: DENO_DIR/npm/

Resolve with node_modules

Change Npm module resolution to be done for local node_modules.

import * as esbuild from "npm:esbuild";
import { denoSpecifier } from "jsr:@miyauci/esbuild-deno-specifier";

  plugins: [denoSpecifier({ nodeModulesDir: true })],
  entryPoints: ["npm:react@^18"],
  bundle: true,
  format: "esm",
  absWorkingDir: import.meta.dirname,

This requires the absWorkingDir field to be specified in esbuild options. If not specified, an error will be thrown.

The specifier would be resolved as follows:

scheme path
jsr: DENO_DIR/deps/https/
npm: absWorkingDir/node_modules/name/file

Specify DENO_DIR

In the denoDir field, change the DENO_DIR.

import { denoSpecifier } from "jsr:@miyauci/esbuild-deno-specifier";

const plugin = denoSpecifier({ denoDir: "/path/to/deno_dir" });


Currently, running this plugin requires the Deno runtime. This is because it runs deno info internally. This may change in the future.


The following flags are required to run this plugin:

  • --allow-env(If the denoDir field is not specified)
  • --allow-read
  • --allow-run


See jsr doc for all APIs.


Why did you reimplement the npm module resolution algorithm?

esbuild contains the node_modules resolution algorithm. It is possible to do so through the build.resolve API.

Unfortunately, this API cannot perform only node_modules resolution.

This API may also execute the resolve hooks provided by other plugins.

This can lead to a mutual recursion, especially when import-maps is used.

Also, it is possible for Deno to cache Global's npm module is different from the structure of node_modules.

Also, the npm modules that Deno caches globally are different from the structure of node_modules.

Given the above, it was necessary to re-implement the npm module resolution algorithm for Deno.

Is import-maps supported?


This project is only intended for Deno specifier resolution.

We plan to provide a separate all-in-one package for resolving all modules supported by Deno (import-maps, bare-node-builtins, etc.).


See contributing.


MIT © 2024 Tomoki Miyauchi