- Creates a mission for each surface sent.
- Persistently stores the journey of the defined robots in the mission petition.
- Flag a robot as lost when it goes outside the defined surface.
- When a robot gets lost, flag the last seen place as a "danger zone".
- When a robot is over a place flagged as "danger zone" facing the void direction, the F instruction is skipped.
- logs the complete journey on the terminal to have some fun.
- Returns the complete journey of each robot.
- Returns the complete statistics of the launched mission.
- Application running
- API:
- script:
- API:
- Testing
- API e2e:
- API e2e:
- Persistence layer:
- DB:
( on top ofpg
- DB:
- Shipping:
: database && node (optional)
Environment setup requirements
Make sure you have installed:
- API:
>= 14.17.0
- containers:
>= 1.29.2
git clone …
cd …
npm install
npm run docker:up
Within the main folder, create a .env
, and update its info based on the .env-sample
⛔️ Create the tables for the database with (API wont work if the tables are not created)
npm run seed
|- /script
|- /src
| |- /api
| |- router, services, query …
| |- /config
| |- setup…
| |- /middlewares
| |- error handler, input validator …
| |- /test
| |- api tests …
| |- index.js
|- .env
|- package.json
|- docker-compose.yml
Execute all available tests (/src/test
Play in console with the visualizer (/script/easter-egg.js
Uncomment your desired queries to visualize
each robot's journey.
After starting the server, import the postman queries (/postman
), define the following env variables in postman, and update the env variables {{base_url}}
Or import them with this .json postman snapshot.
method: POST
url: /
body schema:
"surface": {
// number
"x": 3,
// number
"y": 5
"robots": [
// add as many robots Object you want inside this Array
// number
"x": 1,
// number
"y": 1,
// char
"compass": "E",
// string
"instructions": "RFRFRFRF"
❌ Failure response:
status: 400
"success": false,
"message": "Error message"
✅ Success response:
status: 200
"success": true,
"missionStatistics": {
// unique UUID id
"missionId": "84faad9c…",
// total count of sent robots
"sentRobots": 1,
// total count of lost robots
"lostRobots": 0,
// sent surface dimensions
"surfaceDimentions": [3, 5],
"surfaceTotalArea": "15 m2",
// total area covered by all the robots
"totalExploredSurface": "4 m2 | 26%",
"exploredSurface": [
{ "x": 0, "y": 0 },
{ "x": 0, "y": 1 },
{ "x": 1, "y": 0 },
{ "x": 1, "y": 1 }
// last seen place of all the lost robots
"dangerousZonesIdentified": [],
// information sent for each robot
"robotLogs": [
// unique UUID id
"robotId": "523e748a…",
// explored surface
"totalExploredSurface": "4 m2 | 26%",
// last seen place
"resume": { "position": [1, 1], "compass": "E", "lost": false },
// complete journey
"robotJourney": [
{ "step": 0, "x": 1, "y": 1, "compass": "E", "lost_signal": false },
{ "step": 1, "x": 1, "y": 1, "compass": "S", "lost_signal": false },
{ "step": 2, "x": 1, "y": 0, "compass": "S", "lost_signal": false },
{ "step": 3, "x": 1, "y": 0, "compass": "W", "lost_signal": false },
{ "step": 4, "x": 0, "y": 0, "compass": "W", "lost_signal": false },
{ "step": 5, "x": 0, "y": 0, "compass": "N", "lost_signal": false },
{ "step": 6, "x": 0, "y": 1, "compass": "N", "lost_signal": false },
{ "step": 7, "x": 0, "y": 1, "compass": "E", "lost_signal": false },
{ "step": 8, "x": 1, "y": 1, "compass": "E", "lost_signal": false }