An addon for my Deployer project, also with an integration for Cloudways servers.
This project helps me deploy my WordPress instances to Cloudways servers.
- Cloudways server
- Cloudways API key
- integration
- Add 'redis-cache' and it will be cleared.
- Add 'wp-rocket' and it will be cleared.
- File permissions in Cloudways will be reset.
Everything can be used in WP CLI as well:
wp steez:restart_php_fpm
wp steez:clear_wp_rocket
wp steez:reset_cw_file_permissions
Add the following constants to your config:
define('WP_CLOUDWAYS_EMAIL', 'x');
define('WP_CLOUDWAYS_API_KEY', 'x');
define('WP_CLOUDWAYS_SERVER_ID', 'x');
define('WP_CLOUDWAYS_APP_ID', 'x');
define('WP_CLOUDWAYS_PHP_VERSION', '7.4');
Add it as a submodule in wp-content/plugins, works nicely, Deployer will clone it.