Ansible role to deploy a docker compose stack (file).
Variable Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
docker_deploy_source: | string | "docker-deploy" | The local directory containing the docker deployment and compose file. This directory is relative to the main playbooks directory. |
docker_deploy_destination: | string | "/opt/docker-deploy" | The destination folder the deployment should be cloned to. |
docker_deploy_compose_file: | string | "docker-compose.yml" | The name of the docker compose file to bring up. |
docker_deploy_files: | list map | [] | A list of files that should be copied to the docker_deploy_destination: , more information about the map can be found in the following chapter Docker_deploy_files. |
docker_deploy_compatibility: | bool | true | Enable the --compatibility flag when bringing up the compose file. |
docker_deploy_remove_orphans: | bool | true | Enable the --remove-orphans flag when bringing up the compose file. |
docker_deploy_build: | bool | false | Enable the --build flag when any of the files in docker_deploy_source: or docker_deploy_files: have changed. |
docker_deploy_recreate: | bool | false | Enable the --force-recreate flag when any of the files in docker_deploy_source: or docker_deploy_files: have changed. |
docker_deploy_recreate_anon: | bool | false | Enable the --renew-anon-volumes flag when any of the files in docker_deploy_source: or docker_deploy_files: have changed. |
docker_deploy_compose_plugin: | bool | true | Specify if the docker compose or docker-compose command should be used, true for docker compose , false for docker-compose . |
docker_deploy_prune: | list | ["image"] | Which prune commands should be executed after a change was made to the compose deployment. The value can be a combination of any of the following options "builder" , "container" , "image" , "network" , "system" , "volume" . |
docker_deploy_state: | string | "present" | When "present" the docker_deploy_source: wil be synced to the docker_deploy_destination: and the docker_deploy_compose_file: will be brought up. When "absent" the docker_deploy_compose_file: in docker_deploy_destination: will be brought down. |
docker_deploy_rsync_opts: | list | ['--exclude="*.example"'] | Specify additional rsync options by passing in an array. All dest specified indocker_deploy_files: will automatically be excluded from rsync. |
docker_deploy_show_warnings: | bool | true | Show the docker compose warnings. |
docker_deploy_absent_volume: | bool | false | Only applies when docker_deploy_state: is "absent" . Enables the --volumes flag when bringing down the compose file, this will delete all volumes that are specified in the compose file. |
docker_deploy_absent_remove: | bool | false | Only applies when docker_deploy_state: is "absent" . when true the docker_deploy_destination: will be deleted. |
Variable Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
content: | string | "" | When used instead of src , sets the contents of a file directly to the specified value. Works only when dest is a file. Creates the file if it does not exist. |
dest: | string | Remote path relative to the docker_deploy_destination: where the file should be copied to. If src is a directory, this must be a directory too. If dest is a non-existent path and if either dest ends with “/” or src is a directory, dest is created. If dest is a relative path, the starting directory is determined by the remote host. If src and dest are files, the parent directory of dest is not created and the task fails if it does not already exist. All dest will automatically be excluded from rsync. |
group: | string | "root" | Name of the group that should own the filesystem object, as would be fed to chown. |
mode: | string | The permissions of the destination file or directory. Ansible documentation for further details | |
owner: | string | "root" | Name of the user that should own the filesystem object, as would be fed to chown. Specifying a numeric username will be assumed to be a user ID and not a username. Avoid numeric usernames to avoid this confusion. |
src: | string | Local path to a file to copy to the remote server. This can be absolute or relative. If path is a directory, it is copied recursively. In this case, if path ends with “/”, only inside contents of that directory are copied to destination. Otherwise, if it does not end with “/”, the directory itself with all contents is copied. This behavior is similar to the rsync command line tool. | |
no_log: | bool | false | If true , the content can not be logged. |
When content:
and src:
are both unspecified, an empty file is created at the destination.
- hosts: all
- role: tinyblargon.docker_deploy
docker_deploy_source: "docker-deploy"
docker_deploy_destination: "/opt/docker-deploy"
docker_deploy_compose_file: "docker-compose.yml"
- dest: ".env"
src: ".env"
- dest: ".secrets/password.txt"
content: "{{ lookup('file', 'password.txt') }}"
owner: "root"
group: "root"
mode: "0600"
no_log: true
docker_deploy_compatibility: true
docker_deploy_remove_orphans: true
docker_deploy_recreate: true
docker_deploy_compose_plugin: false
docker_deploy_prune: ["system"]
docker_deploy_state: "present"
- hosts: all
- role: tinyblargon.docker_deploy
docker_deploy_destination: "/opt/docker-deploy"
docker_deploy_compose_file: "docker-compose.yml"
docker_deploy_compose_plugin: false
docker_deploy_prune: ["system", "volume"]
docker_deploy_state: "absent"
docker_deploy_absent_volume: true
docker_deploy_absent_remove: true