npm install lendsqr-node-sdk
yarn add lendsqr-node-sdk
import { Lendsqr } from "lendsqr-node-sdk";
const lendsqr = new Lendsqr({ token: "your-api-token" });
async function IsUserBlacklisted(email_address) {
const data = await lendsqr.validation.checkCustomerKarma(email_address);
1. CreditBureaus
- Credit Report from CRC Credit Bureau
- Credit Report from FirstCentral Credit Bureau
2. Decisioning
- Oraculi Borrower Scoring
- Get Decision Models
- Get Decision Models Details
3. Direct-Debit
- Verify Bank Account Number
- Get All Banks
- Get Details of Bank
- Create Mandate
- Get All Mandates
- Get Mandate Details
- Get Mandate Summary
- Cancel a mandate
- Debit a Mandate
- Check Account Balance
- Get All Transactions
- Get Details of a Transaction
- Get Transactions Statistics
4. Embedded Loans and Payments
- Get Loan Products
- Initialize Loan Application
- Get Loan
- Initialize Payment
- Query Payment
5. Validation
- Initialize BVN Consent
- Complete Consent and get BVN Details
- Initialize BVN Accounts Consent
- Complete Consent and Get BVN Accounts
- Match Customer BVN Image
- Verify Customer Bank Account
- Check Karma for Customer
- Check for Borrower on Ecosystem
- Verify Customer NIN
import { Lendsqr } from "lendsqr-node-sdk";
const lendsqr = new Lendsqr({ token: "your-api-token" });
async function getCRCReport(bvn) {
try {
// Fetch credit report from CRC
const crcReport = await lendsqr.creditBureaus.getCreditReportFromCRC(bvn);
console.log("CRC Credit Report:", crcReport);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching CRC credit report:", error);
// Example usage
getCRCReport("12345678901"); // Replace with the actual BVN
import { Lendsqr } from "lendsqr-node-sdk";
const lendsqr = new Lendsqr({ token: "your-api-token" });
async function getFirstCentralReport(bvn) {
try {
// Fetch credit report from FirstCentral
const firstCentralReport =
await lendsqr.creditBureaus.getCreditReportFromFirstCentral(bvn);
console.log("FirstCentral Credit Report:", firstCentralReport);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching FirstCentral credit report:", error);
// Example usage
getFirstCentralReport("12345678901"); // Replace with the actual BVN
import { Lendsqr } from "lendsqr-node-sdk";
const lendsqr = new Lendsqr({ token: "your-api-token" });
async function borrowerScoring(modelId) {
try {
// Define borrower details
const borrowerData = {
gender: "male",
marital_status: "single",
age: 30,
location: "Lagos",
no_of_dependent: 1,
type_of_residence: "rented",
educational_attainment: "bachelor",
employment_status: "employed",
sector_of_employment: "technology",
monthly_net_income: 200000,
employer_category: "private",
bvn: "12345678901", // Replace with actual BVN
phone_number: "08012345678",
total_years_of_experience: 5,
time_with_current_employer: 2,
previous_lendsqr_loans: false,
phone: "08012345678",
bvn_phone: true,
office_email: "[email protected]",
personal_email: "[email protected]",
amount: 500000,
// Perform borrower scoring
const scoringResponse = await lendsqr.decisioning.oraculiBorrowerScoring(
console.log("Borrower Scoring Response:", scoringResponse);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error performing borrower scoring:", error);
// Example usage
borrowerScoring(1); // Replace with the actual decision model ID
import { Lendsqr } from "lendsqr-node-sdk";
const lendsqr = new Lendsqr({ token: "your-api-token" });
async function fetchDecisionModels() {
try {
// Fetch all decision models
const decisionModels = await lendsqr.decisioning.getDecisionModel();
console.log("Decision Models:", decisionModels);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching decision models:", error);
// Example usage
import { Lendsqr } from "lendsqr-node-sdk";
const lendsqr = new Lendsqr({ token: "your-api-token" });
async function fetchDecisionModelDetails(modelId) {
try {
// Fetch decision model details by ID
const decisionModelDetails =
await lendsqr.decisioning.getDecisionModelDetails(modelId);
console.log("Decision Model Details:", decisionModelDetails);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching decision model details:", error);
// Example usage
fetchDecisionModelDetails(1); // Replace with the actual decision model ID
import { Lendsqr } from "lendsqr-node-sdk";
const lendsqr = new Lendsqr({ token: "your-api-token" });
const directDebit = lendsqr.directDebit;
// 1. Get all banks available for direct debit authorization
async function fetchAllBanks() {
try {
const banks = await directDebit.getAllBanks(100, 1, "ASC");
console.log("Available Banks:", banks);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching banks:", error);
// 2. Get details of a specific bank
async function fetchBankDetails(bankId) {
try {
const bankDetails = await directDebit.getBankDetails(bankId);
console.log("Bank Details:", bankDetails);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching bank details:", error);
// 3. Verify an account number
async function verifyAccountNumber(accountNumber, bankCode) {
try {
const response = await directDebit.verifyAccountNumber({
account_number: accountNumber,
bank_code: bankCode,
console.log("Account Verification:", response);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error verifying account number:", error);
// 4. Create a direct debit mandate
async function createMandate() {
const mandateData = {
account_number: "1234567890",
phone_number: "08012345678",
debit_type: "RECURRING",
frequency: "MONTHLY",
bank_id: 1,
bank_code: "ABC123",
number_of_payments: 12,
payment_start_date: "2024-10-01",
invite: true,
email: "[email protected]",
start_date: "2024-10-01",
end_date: "2025-10-01",
narration: "Monthly Subscription",
address: "123 Main St",
amount: 10000,
schedule: "1st of every month",
type: "DEBIT",
file_base64: "", // optional file content in base64
file_extension: "", // optional file extension
try {
const mandateResponse = await directDebit.createMandate(mandateData);
console.log("Mandate Created:", mandateResponse);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error creating mandate:", error);
// 5. Get all mandates
async function fetchAllMandates() {
try {
const mandates = await directDebit.getAllMandates(10, 1);
console.log("All Mandates:", mandates);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching mandates:", error);
// 6. Retrieve details of a specific mandate
async function fetchMandateDetails(referenceNumber) {
try {
const mandateDetails = await directDebit.getMandateDetails(referenceNumber);
console.log("Mandate Details:", mandateDetails);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching mandate details:", error);
// 7. Get a summary of all mandates
async function fetchMandateSummary() {
try {
const summary = await directDebit.getMandateSummary();
console.log("Mandate Summary:", summary);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching mandate summary:", error);
// 8. Cancel a mandate
async function cancelMandate(referenceNumber) {
try {
const cancelResponse = await directDebit.cancelMandate(
console.log("Mandate Cancelled:", cancelResponse);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error cancelling mandate:", error);
// 9. Debit a mandate
async function debitMandate(referenceNumber, amount) {
try {
const debitResponse = await directDebit.debitMandate(
console.log("Mandate Debited:", debitResponse);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error debiting mandate:", error);
// 10. Check the balance associated with a mandate
async function checkMandateBalance(referenceNumber) {
try {
const balanceResponse = await directDebit.checkMandateAccountBalance(
console.log("Mandate Account Balance:", balanceResponse);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error checking mandate balance:", error);
// 11. Get all mandate transactions
async function fetchAllMandateTransactions() {
try {
const transactions = await directDebit.getAllMandateTransactions(10, 1);
console.log("All Mandate Transactions:", transactions);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching mandate transactions:", error);
// 12. Get details of a specific transaction
async function fetchMandateTransactionDetails(reference) {
try {
const transactionDetails = await directDebit.getMandateTransactionDetails(
console.log("Transaction Details:", transactionDetails);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching transaction details:", error);
// 13. Get transaction statistics
async function fetchMandateTransactionStats() {
try {
const stats = await directDebit.getMandateTransactionStats();
console.log("Transaction Stats:", stats);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching transaction stats:", error);
// Example usage
verifyAccountNumber("1234567890", "ABC123");
debitMandate("reference_number_here", 5000);
import { Lendsqr } from "lendsqr-node-sdk";
// Create an instance of the Lendsqr class
const lendsqr = new Lendsqr({ token: "your-api-token" });
// Get all loan products
async function fetchLoanProducts() {
try {
const loanProducts =
await lendsqr.embeddedLoansAndPayments.getLoanProducts();
console.log("Available Loan Products:", loanProducts);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching loan products:", error);
// Initialize a loan
async function initializeLoan() {
try {
const loanPayload = {
product_id: "12345",
meta: {
email: "[email protected]",
phone_number: "08012345678",
const loanResponse = await lendsqr.embeddedLoansAndPayments.initializeLoan(
console.log("Loan Initialization Response:", loanResponse);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error initializing loan:", error);
// Get loan details
async function fetchLoanDetails(reference) {
try {
const loanDetails = await lendsqr.embeddedLoansAndPayments.getLoanDetails(
console.log("Loan Details:", loanDetails);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching loan details:", error);
// Initialize a payment
async function initializePayment() {
try {
const paymentPayload = {
amount: 1000,
description: "Loan repayment",
callback_url: "https://yourcallback.url",
organization_id: "org_12345",
const paymentResponse =
await lendsqr.embeddedLoansAndPayments.initializePayment(paymentPayload);
console.log("Payment Initialization Response:", paymentResponse);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error initializing payment:", error);
// Query payment details
async function queryPayment(reference) {
try {
const paymentDetails = await lendsqr.embeddedLoansAndPayments.queryPayment(
console.log("Payment Details:", paymentDetails);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error querying payment:", error);
// Example usage
import { Lendsqr } from "lendsqr-node-sdk";
// Create an instance of the Lendsqr class
const lendsqr = new Lendsqr({ token: "your-api-token" });
// Match Customer BVN Image
async function matchCustomerBVNImage(bvn, imageURL) {
try {
const response = await lendsqr.validation.matchCustomerBVNImage(
console.log("Match Customer BVN Image Response:", response);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error matching customer BVN image:", error);
// Verify Customer Bank Account
async function verifyCustomerBankAccount(accountNumber, bankCode) {
try {
const response = await lendsqr.validation.verifyCustomerBankAccount(
console.log("Verify Customer Bank Account Response:", response);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error verifying customer bank account:", error);
// Check Customer Karma
async function checkCustomerKarma(identity) {
try {
const response = await lendsqr.validation.checkCustomerKarma(identity);
console.log("Check Customer Karma Response:", response);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error checking customer karma:", error);
// Check Customer in Ecosystem
async function checkCustomerInEcosystem(bvn) {
try {
const response = await lendsqr.validation.checkCustomerInEcosystem(bvn);
console.log("Check Customer in Ecosystem Response:", response);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error checking customer in ecosystem:", error);
// Verify Customer NIN
async function verifyCustomerNIN(nin) {
try {
const response = await lendsqr.validation.verifyCustomerNIN(nin);
console.log("Verify Customer NIN Response:", response);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error verifying customer NIN:", error);
// Initialize BVN Consent
async function initializeBVNConsent(bvn, contact) {
try {
const response = await lendsqr.validation.initializeBVNConsent(
console.log("Initialize BVN Consent Response:", response);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error initializing BVN consent:", error);
// Complete Consent and Get BVN Details
async function completeConsentAndGetBVNDetails(bvn, otp) {
try {
const response = await lendsqr.validation.completeConsentAndGetBVNDetails(
console.log("Complete Consent and Get BVN Details Response:", response);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error completing consent and getting BVN details:", error);
// Initialize BVN Account Consent
async function initializeBVNAccountConsent(bvn, contact) {
try {
const response = await lendsqr.validation.initializeBVNAccountConsent(
console.log("Initialize BVN Account Consent Response:", response);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error initializing BVN account consent:", error);
// Complete Consent and Get BVN Account Details
async function completeConsentAndGetBVNAccountDetails(bvn, otp) {
try {
const response =
await lendsqr.validation.completeConsentAndGetBVNAccountDetails(bvn, otp);
"Complete Consent and Get BVN Account Details Response:",
} catch (error) {
"Error completing consent and getting BVN account details:",
// Example usage
(async () => {
// Call the functions with parameters
await matchCustomerBVNImage("12345678901", "");
await verifyCustomerBankAccount("1234567890", "001");
await checkCustomerKarma("[email protected]");
await checkCustomerInEcosystem("12345678901");
await verifyCustomerNIN("1234567890123");
await initializeBVNConsent("12345678901", "[email protected]");
await completeConsentAndGetBVNDetails("12345678901", "123456");
await initializeBVNAccountConsent("12345678901", "[email protected]");
await completeConsentAndGetBVNAccountDetails("12345678901", "123456");
For more information about the Lendsqr endpoints and their functionalities, please refer to the documentation below: