The "Activation Function Demo" is a demo for implementing activation function with the mathod, propsed in paper: "Design Space Exploration of Neural Network Activation Function Circuits,", and evaluating the performance of it with different precision on diffierent datasets. And here is an example that we implemeted:
Until now the activation function we supported:
- tanh
- selu
- self_define
And the evaluation datasets:
Activation Function Demo is released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).
For implementation
- Windows
For training and test
- Linux
- Windows
- pytorch (>=0.4.0) and torchvision from official website, for example, cuda8.0 for python3.5
pip install
pip install torchvision
- numpy
pip install numpy
- pywinauto(For windows)
pip install pywinauto
The Arguements
usage: [-h] [-plot_AF PLOT_AF] [-generate_verilog GENERATE_VERILOG]
[-generate_coe_file GENERATE_COE_FILE] [-simulate SIMULATE]
[-Test_on_Datasets TEST_ON_DATASETS]
{tanh,selu,self_define} rang_l rang_r int_bits float_bits
positional arguments:
{tanh,selu,self_define} The activation function you want to implement(tanh,selu,self_define)
rang_l The range of the AF you want to implement(left endpoint)
rang_r The range of the AF you want to implement(right endpoint)
int_bits The number of bits you want for the integer part of
the output
float_bits The number of bits you want for the decimal part of
the output
i_bits The number of bits you want for the input
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-plot_AF PLOT_AF Plot the implemet AF or not
-generate_verilog GENERATE_VERILOG
Generate the verilog file or not
-generate_coe_file GENERATE_COE_FILE
Generate the coes file or not(For ROM and kx+b)
-simulate SIMULATE Simulate the implemented AF or not
Retrain ANN with the AF on MNIST or not
Retrain ANN with the AF on CIFAR-10 or not
Retrain ANN with the AF on IMGNET or not
-Test_on_Datasets TEST_ON_DATASETS
Test the implemented AF on MNIST,CIFAR,IMGNET or not
The default mode of it can implement the activation function of a specific range with different precisions and generate a verilog file of our method and coe files of the methods we compared in the paper.
Implement tanh in [0,2], output: 1 bit for integer part, 6 bits for the decimal part, input: 4 bits
python tanh 0 2 1 6 4
Simulate the activation function in software and plot the figure of it:
python tanh 0 2 1 6 4 -Simulate=True
Implement selu in [-3.875,0], output: 1 bit for integer part, 6 bits for the decimal part, input: 4 bits
python tanh -3.875 0 1 6 4
After Implementation, you can find the verilog file in path:AF_implementation\verilog_file and the name rule is:
AF_(integer bit width of outputs)_(decimal bit width of outputs)_(input bit width).v
Example: tanh_1_4_4.v
Here is an verilog file example:
And also you will get three coe files at AF_implementation\coe_file\tanh_1_6_4:y.coe, b.coe, k.coe, Here is an examples of coe files:
To evaluation the activation function we implement we gernerate a simulate version on activation function in pytorch to simulate the effect on the neural network. Before start we need to download the parameters we trained:
Evaluate the tanh we implement above:
python tanh 0 2 1 6 4 -Test_on_Datasets=True
Attention:You need to edit the dataset path in the NN_models/,here is an example, each of them need to be edited), so that it can find the evaluation datasets.
To evaluate a self define activation function we need to retrain the neural networks. To improve the accuracy we still need to retrain the neural networks. So we also provide the function of retraining.
Here we take evaluating the tanh_apx on the ImageNet as an exmaple:
python tanh 0 2 1 6 4 -IMGNET_retrain=True
Attention:You need to edit the dataset path in files: NN_models/,here is an example, each of them need to be edited), so that it can find the training datasets.
We evaluate the performance of tanh and selu of different input/output precision on popular dataset and models.
We trained a LeNet-5 on MNIST of which the AFs were all replaced with tanh/ReLU,and trained a vgg-16 on CIFAR-10 of which the AFs were all replaced with tanh/ReLU, Then an alexnet was trained on ImageNet of which the AFs were all replaced with tanh/ReLU. Then we get the following origin accuracy:
origin | MNIST | CIFAR | ImageNet |
tanh | 96.15 | 87.17 | 42.392/67.614 |
SeLU | 97.67 | 86.79 | 39.260/63.342 |
Then we replaced the AF of these models with the AF we implemented, validate the models on the test set, and get the following accuracies, but we find that accuracy loss was huge nearly destroied the models ability on Imagenet. This is due to error accumulatting, thus, we use some training tricks to increase it. We retraining the models with the AF we implemented, in this way, tanh get a enormous increase, but Selu still very low, then we add BNs (batch norm) in the models, in this way, we can reduce the accuracy loss.
MNIST | CIFAR-10 | ImageNet(top1/top5) | |
Tanh(Original) | 96.15% | 87.17% | 42.39%/67.61% |
Tanh_5_4 | -0.2% | -5.07% | -8.16%/-8.94% |
Tanh_7_4 | -0.05% | -1.96% | -7.83%/-8.42% |
Tanh_7_6 | +0.04% | -0.29% | -7.23%/-8.0% |
SeLU(Original) | 97.67% | 86.79% | 39.260%/63.342% |
SeLU_5_4 | +0.04% | -4.15% | -0.122%/+0.458% |
SeLU_7_4 | +0.01% | -4.47% | -0.004%/+0.866% |
SeLU_8_5 | +0.37% | -0.69% | +0.368%/+1.278% |
The AF name rule above is:
AF_(integer bit width of outputs)_(decimal bit width of outputs)_(input bit width)
Please download the following files and put them in:AF_implementation\NN_models\MNIST_data before evaluating your activation functions
- tanh:!AhWdKGJb0BiJcJzuhsP_RIB9zPA
- SeLU:!AhWdKGJb0BiJb0VJkTLqin7ICvY
Please download the following files and put them in:AF_implementation\NN_models\CIFAR_data before evaluating your activation functions
- tanh:!AhWdKGJb0BiJcdxTBqxubJDc_Gw
- SeLu:!AhWdKGJb0BiJdaKh7s-e3mmtVUc
Please download the following files and put them in:AF_implementation\NN_models\IMGNET_data before evaluating your activation functions
The default code in the demo is for retrained mode, so this file need to be extracted to path:NN_models/
- tanh:!AhWdKGJb0BiJdhLxPNtwoWaIHMw
- SeLU:!AhWdKGJb0BiJbiU19WakQ4tHyrk
This has an enormous accuracy loss, thus we retrain the AlexNet with the AF_apx(approximate AFs)
- tanh:!AhWdKGJb0BiJbYP_z8mfUOecyr4
- SeLU_4:!AhWdKGJb0BiJfPoaIL2VCqCSlvo
- SeLU_5:!AhWdKGJb0BiJeuh1tcRBqAvWtBU
- SeLU_6:!AhWdKGJb0BiJe5KHi1bFRzFFWww
Where, SeLU_4,SeLU_5,SeLU_6 is the parameters file of retraining AlexNet with SeLU_1_4_4, SeLU_1_4_5,SeLU_1_4_6.
If you find "Activation Function Demo" useful in your research, please consider citing:
author={T. Yang and Y. Wei and Z. Tu and H. Zeng and M. A. Kinsy and N. Zheng and P. Ren},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems},
title={Design Space Exploration of Neural Network Activation Function Circuits},
keywords={Table lookup;Hardware;Biological neural networks;Neurons;Approximation algorithms;Taylor series;Combinational circuits;Artificial Neural Networks;Activation Functions;Exponential Linear Units (ELU);Scaled Exponential Linear Units (SELU);Hyperbolic Tangent (tanh).},
- A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever, and G. E. Hinton, “ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25, F. Pereira, C. J. C. Burges, L. Bottou, and K. Q. Weinberger, Eds. Curran Associates, Inc., 2012, p. 1097?1105.
- G. Hinton, L. Deng, D. Yu, G. Dahl, A. rahman Mohamed, N. Jaitly, A. Senior, V. Vanhoucke, P. Nguyen, T. Sainath, and B. Kingsbury, “Deep neural networks for acoustic modeling in speech recognition,” Signal Processing Magazine, 2012.
- M. Luong, H. Pham, and C. D. Manning, “Effective approaches to attention-based neural machine translation,” CoRR, vol. abs/1508.04025,2015.