What you learn shouldn't benefit just you. But it must also help others. I'm just a human trying apply this.
⚜️ Fullness: Share Life || אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה ⚜️
I'm looking for:
- Works that improve my logical thinking, patterns and problem solving.
- Helping Programming Communities: OsProgramadores (https://t.me/osprogramadores) and FreeCodeCamp (https://freecodecamp.org/portuguese/)
Languages: ES6, CSS3, HTML5, PHP8, Java11 Frameworks and Libraries: Bootstrap, Sass, jQuery, React (Router, ContextApi, Thunk, Saga, Suspense, Hooks, StyledComponent, MUI), Node.js, Laravel and Spring. Unit Tests: JUnit and Mockito Database: SQL (MySQL and PostgreSQL) and NoSQL (Mongodb) Versioning: Git, Github, Bitbucket Patterns and Concepts: OOP, REST and RESTful, TDD, Design Patterns (such as Singleton, Strategy and Observer)