A program to take note on desktop like a Post-It and share on LAN.
- Add/Delete/Edit note
- Save the list of notes
- Share a note on LAN
- Send to one user
- Sender's identity
- Receive notification
- Markdown Editor
# require qt5-default
mkdir build
cd build
qmake -config release ../flynote.pro
If you want to test the broadcast receiver, start FlyNote, start a shell and write:
ncat -u 45454
# test user connection
# test broadcast note
note:{"title":"ncat note", "color":"lightblue", "content":"hello world!", "from":"ncat"}
If you have some trouble with windows, check your firewall.
Note, add, delete, edit and send icon made by Freepik from Flaticon
Broadcast icon made by smallikeart from Flaticon
User icon made by smashicons from Flaticon