simple search engine that searches the web for links or images and supports worldwide trends
- Android version above 7 (API level 23) for users
- PHP MySQL for server
1- creating search engine data base (MySQL)
make sure to put the right data in the class that contains: a) host: let it (local host) b) user: the database user c) passwd: the log in password of the database d) stoppingWordsPath: the path of the file containing stopping words e) lastIndexingDate: the last date when the indexer run (the date that the indexer will index all data pushed after it in crawler_table).
run crawler by command line :
javac Crawler/src/
java MainCrawler.class
or you can run from intellij/eclipse directly
- run indexer by command line :
javac Crawler/src/
java indexer.class
or you can run from intellij/eclipse directly
- run popularity ranker by command line :
javac Crawler/src/
java MainRanker.class
or you can run from intellij/eclipse directly
2- Run Android interface on your mobile
setup AndroidInterface/final apk/google_elghalaba.apk on your mobile
run app directly from android studio using AndroidInterface/source code
- your device ip -> 192.168.1.xx: 8080
- a tunnel you are using ->
**N.B. for voice make sure to leave enough space between words and at start/end of your query for good results
**the App provides you with auto complete text based on all users old queries to help you while typing