A web application that provides a list of items within a variety of categories as well as providing a user registration and authentication system. Users who have registered will have the ability to post, edit, and delete their own items. Users who do not sign-in will only have access in reading the items.
Install a version of Python 2.7, Python 3.5 or both.
The next step is to install Flask as the project uses Flask as the web framework.
$ pip install Flask
Next, install sqlalchemy in order to connect to a sqlite3 DB.
$ pip install sqlalchemy
To make sure code style stays consistent, install the pycodestyle
$ pip install pycodestyle
To ensure that the code stype will meet the pycodestyle
tool's requirements, also install autopep8.
$ pip install autopep8
$ python application.py
Once the server is started, the web application is now accessable.
If there is ever a situation where the database needs to be reset, run the following commands:
$ rm categorycatalogwithusers.db
$ python database_setup.py
$ python populateCategory.py
To access the web application, simply navigate to a browser and go to the link below.
Try to keep the formatting to be as correct as possible.
Run the pycodestyle
command to check
$ pycodestyle application.py
Run the autopep8
command to automattically modify logAnalyzer.py to meet pycodestyle
tool's requirements.
$ autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive application.py
Please keep all lines to 97 or fewer. Otherwise, the code will not pass the check with pycodestyle
JSON enpoints are made to provide the same information as the displayed HTML endpoints. In /catalog.json, the JSON endpoint contains data from the entire database. It will display the list of categories and the items in each category. Other JSON endpoints will display the specifics of each HTML endpoint.
Insert two blank lines between each function.