The script downloads the required libraries (GTK, Cairo, Pango, GLib, and GDKPixbuf) from their respective URLs and extracts them.
Builds Dependencies: It changes into the extracted directory, runs the ./configure script, then runs make and sudo make install to install the dependencies.
Builds and Installs GIMP: After the dependencies are installed, the script downloads and extracts the GIMP source code, then builds and installs GIMP.
Ensure you have the necessary tools installed for building the dependencies, such as make, gcc, autoconf, etc. If they are missing, you will need to install them manually.
Permissions: The script uses sudo for installing dependencies and GIMP, so you'll need to enter your password for the make install step.
Time: The process may take a while because it involves downloading and compiling multiple dependencies. Make sure your macOS system is connected to the internet and has sufficient resources for the build.