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Releases: TheKaushikGoswami/SPIKE-Discord-Bot

Patch 2.1

29 Jun 09:23
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▫️ Added sp!triggered command - Generate a triggered pfp.
▫️ Changed the whole temp-mute system for sp!mute - Removed the old time converter and added a new!
▫️ Changed the required permission for sp!nuke command - Now people need Manage Channel perms instead of Administrator
▫️ Changed the footer message for sp!embed command - It shows the author's name and timestamp in footer now!

That's for the Patch v2.2 of the bot. The new patched updates will be added regularly. Thanks!
SPIKE is made with ❤️

🔹 sp!triggered

🔹sp!embed Hello Hello World 👋🏼

Patch 2.0.2

07 Jun 05:51
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⚽ Fun & Games:
▫️ Added sp!joke command - Fetches a random joke for you from Internet.
▫️ Added sp!kill command - Shows a death message for user.
▫️ Added sp!slots command - Slots game in discord!
▫️ Added sp!password command - Generates a random password for you in your DMs.
▫️ Added sp!cheers command - Say CHEERS!!!
▫️ Added sp!simp command - Just a SIMP meter :p
▫️ Added sp!iq command - Just a IQ level meter :p
▫️ Added sp!roast command - Roasts the user mentioned or urself.

🛠️ Utility:
▫️ Added sp!timer command - A small timer which fetches timer for small duration and in minutes.
▫️ Added sp!pings command - Checks number of pings in last some messages.

That's for the Patch v2.0.2 of the bot. The new patched updates will be added regularly. Thanks!
SPIKE is made with ❤️

Patch 2.0.1

06 Jun 17:32
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Bug Fixes:

🔸 Fixed sp!unmute command.
🔸 Fixed sp!role command.


🔹 Added blacklist servers for nqn cog!. It is the first time and example for using cog_check
🔹 Improved some error handlers for some commands.
🔹 sp!userinfo can fetch userinfo of those users too who are not in any mutual servers with the bot.
🔹 sp!role fetches role from role id/ role name/ role mention now!

That's for the Patch v2.0.1 of the bot. The new patched updates will be added regularly. Thanks!
SPIKE is made with ❤️


🔹 Fetching role from ROLE ID 👇🏼

Screenshot from 2021-06-06 22-55-54

🔹 Fetching role from ROLE NAME 👇🏼

Screenshot from 2021-06-06 22-59-39

🔹 Fetching role from ROLE MENTION 👇🏼

Screenshot from 2021-06-06 23-01-23


05 Jun 02:53
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Fixes :

🔸Fixed where sp!role command was able to give you a role higher than your top-most role.
🔸Fixed the bug which didn't remove Muted role even after the mute period ends.
🔸Fixed sp!say command.
🔸Fixed bad rendering of avatars when sp!avatar command was used.
🔸Fixed nickname command which didn't change the nickname of user.

What's New:

🔹Updated version to latest i.e. version 1.7.2 .
🔹Added sp!uptime command which shows uptime of the bot.
🔹Added sp!about command where bot gives a little introduction about itself.
🔹Added sp!say command which now needs Manage Messages permissions on you to work for you.
🔹Added sp!embed command which now needs Manage Messages permissions on you to work for you.
🔹Added sp!helpmod command which gives more details on Moderation commands.
🔹Added Music cog which is still in BETA version. The commands seem to work but may give errors too.
🔹Added 👑 Owner Only category in sp!help command which shows some commands that can be used only by owner.
🔹Added new command handlers to moderation commands which make the error more specific now.


▫️ Removed sp!idban command coz the sp!ban command can fetch user by it's ID too.
▫️ Removed sp!suggestion command coz it forced the server to create a new channel named "suggestion" particularly. This command can be added in future tho.

That's for the version 2 and specifically v2.0.0 of the bot. The new patched updates will be added regularly. Thanks!
SPIKE is made with ❤️

SOME SPOILERS: 🔹sp!say hi






🔹sp!embed Hello! This is a test embed


