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Tenants face delays, security concerns, and communication gaps in modern apartment living.

Our portal streamlines leasing with digital signatures, automates smart lock access, and enables one-tap reporting for disturbances. By integrating AI escalation, smart package lockers, and guest parking permits, we boost tenant satisfaction and retention.

Technologies Used

Docs for this project

Next.js Appwrite Supabase React.js
Next Docs Appwrite Docs Supabase Docs React Docs

Team Contributors To The Project

Cass Cavazos

Joe Aguado

Damian Padilla

Tatiana Bertazoli

Andrew Smith

Staci Southerland

Danny Thompson
(Tech Lead)

🏒 Tenant App Documentation

πŸ“‘ Table of Contents

  1. πŸ“Œ Introduction
  2. πŸ—οΈ Architecture Overview
  3. πŸ› οΈ Technology Stack
  4. πŸ’Ύ Database Schema
  5. πŸ” Authentication Flow
  6. ✨ Key Features
  7. πŸ”Œ API Structure
  8. 🧩 Component Structure
  9. πŸ”„ Data Flow
  10. πŸš€ Deployment
  11. πŸ’» Jira/Git Workflow
  12. 🟒 Color Branding

πŸ“Œ Introduction

Tenant App is a comprehensive property management application designed to streamline interactions between property managers and tenants. The application provides a modern solution to common property management challenges, offering features such as digital lease signing, smart door access, package locker management, guest parking passes, noise reporting, and messaging.

πŸ—οΈ Architecture Overview

The application follows a modern web architecture using Next.js, which provides server-side rendering capabilities and API routes. The architecture can be broken down into the following key components:

Component Description
Frontend React-based UI components using Next.js framework
Backend API Next.js API routes for handling server-side logic
Database PostgreSQL database managed through Prisma ORM
Authentication Appwrite for user authentication and management
PDF Generation PDF-lib for lease document generation

The application follows a client-server architecture where the frontend communicates with the backend API, which in turn interacts with the database and external services.

πŸ› οΈ Technology Stack

πŸ–₯️ Frontend

Technology Version/Description
Framework Next.js 15.2.1
UI Library React 19.0.0
Form Management @tanstack/react-form
Icons Lucide React
Styling Tailwind CSS

βš™οΈ Backend

Technology Version/Description
API Routes Next.js API routes
Database ORM Prisma 6.5.0
Database PostgreSQL (via Postgres.js)
Authentication Appwrite
PDF Generation PDF-lib

🧰 Development Tools

Tool Purpose
TypeScript Type checking
Jest Testing framework
React Testing Library Component testing
ESLint Code linting

πŸ’Ύ Database Schema

The application uses a PostgreSQL database with the following key models:

πŸ‘€ User

Field Type Description
id String Unique identifier
appwriteId String External auth ID
firstName String User's first name
lastName String User's last name
email String User's email address
phoneNumber String User's phone number
apartmentNumber String Apartment identifier
image String Profile image URL
leaseId String Associated lease ID
userRole Enum User role (ADMIN, TENANT, etc.)
createdAt DateTime Record creation timestamp
updatedAt DateTime Record update timestamp

Relationships: Has one Lease, has many ParkingPass, SmartDoorKey, PackageLocker, and Notification records

🏒 Property

Field Type Description
id String Unique identifier
managementCompanyName String Property management company
addressId String Associated address ID
propertyName String Name of the property
phoneNumber String Contact phone number
email String Contact email
websiteURL String Property website
propertyImage String Property image URL
description String Property description
propertyManagerName String Manager's name
createdAt DateTime Record creation timestamp
updatedAt DateTime Record update timestamp

Relationships: Has one Address, has many Amenities and Leases

πŸ“ Lease

Field Type Description
id String Unique identifier
propertyId String Associated property
firstName String Tenant's first name
lastName String Tenant's last name
email String Tenant's email
apartmentNumber String Apartment identifier
pets Boolean Whether pets are allowed
governmentId String Government ID reference
socialSecurity String SSN reference
leaseStart DateTime Lease start date
leaseEnd DateTime Lease end date
monthlyRent Decimal Monthly rent amount
securityDeposit Decimal Security deposit amount
leaseStatus Enum Status (ACTIVE, EXPIRED, PENDING)
createdAt DateTime Record creation timestamp
updatedAt DateTime Record update timestamp

Relationships: Belongs to Property, has many Users

πŸš— ParkingPass

Field Type Description
id String Unique identifier
userId String Associated user ID
make String Vehicle make
model String Vehicle model
color String Vehicle color
licensePlate String License plate number
parkingPassNumber String Unique pass identifier
createdAt DateTime Record creation timestamp
expirationDate DateTime Pass expiration date

Relationships: Belongs to User

πŸ”” Notification

Field Type Description
id String Unique identifier
senderId String Sender user ID
receiverId String Receiver user ID
notificationType Enum Type of notification
subject String Notification subject
message String Notification content
status Enum Status (READ, UNREAD)
priority Enum Priority (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH)
createdAt DateTime Record creation timestamp
updatedAt DateTime Record update timestamp

Relationships: Belongs to sender User and receiver User

πŸ”‘ SmartDoorKey

Field Type Description
id String Unique identifier
userId String Associated user ID
accessCode String Door access code
createdAt DateTime Record creation timestamp
expirationDate DateTime Code expiration date
lastAccessed DateTime Last access timestamp
lockStatus Boolean Lock status (locked/unlocked)

Relationships: Belongs to User

πŸ“¦ PackageLocker

Field Type Description
id String Unique identifier
userId String Associated user ID
lockerNumber String Locker identifier
packageLockerStatus Enum Status (READY_FOR_PICKUP, PICKED_UP)
accessCode String Locker access code
createdAt DateTime Record creation timestamp
lastAcessed DateTime Last access timestamp

Relationships: Belongs to User

πŸ“ Address

Field Type Description
id String Unique identifier
address String Street address
suiteNumber Int Suite or apartment number
city String City name
state String State or province
zipCode String Postal code
country String Country name
createdAt DateTime Record creation timestamp
updatedAt DateTime Record update timestamp

Relationships: Has one Property

πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ Amenity

Field Type Description
id String Unique identifier
amenityName String Name of the amenity
description String Amenity description
location String Location within property
availabilityStatus Enum Status (AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE)
requiresAccessCode Boolean Whether access code is required
createdAt DateTime Record creation timestamp
updatedAt DateTime Record update timestamp
propertyId String Associated property ID

Relationships: Belongs to Property

πŸ“ž ContactUs

Field Type Description
id String Unique identifier
fullName String Contact name
email String Contact email
phoneNumber String Contact phone
subject String Message subject
message String Message content
createdAt DateTime Record creation timestamp

πŸ” Authentication Flow

The application uses Appwrite for authentication. The authentication flow works as follows:

Step Description
1 Users register or log in through the login page
2 Authentication state is managed through the AuthContext
3 User tokens are stored and managed for authenticated API requests
4 Different user roles determine access to different features

✨ Key Features

πŸ“„ 1. Digital Lease Management

  • Generate and sign lease agreements digitally
  • Track lease status (ACTIVE, EXPIRED, PENDING)
  • Store lease details including rent, security deposit, and lease terms

πŸšͺ 2. Smart Door Access

  • Generate unique access codes for door entry
  • Manage expiration dates for temporary access
  • Track door access history

πŸ“¦ 3. Package Locker Management

  • Assign lockers for package delivery
  • Generate access codes for package pickup
  • Track package status (READY_FOR_PICKUP, PICKED_UP)

πŸš— 4. Guest Parking Pass

  • Generate temporary parking passes for guests
  • Track vehicle information and pass expiration
  • Verify passes through unique codes

πŸ”” 5. Notification System

  • Send and receive notifications between tenants and management
  • Prioritize notifications (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH)

πŸ’¬ 6. Messaging System

  • Direct messaging between tenants and property management
  • Thread-based conversation tracking
  • Message search functionality

πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ 7. Property Amenity Management

  • Track property amenities and their availability
  • Manage access codes for restricted amenities

πŸ”Œ API Structure

The application uses Next.js API routes organized by feature:

API Endpoint Purpose
/api/admin/notifications Manage administrative notifications
/api/contact Handle contact form submissions from prospective tenants
/api/lease Manage lease creation, signing, and retrieval
/api/noise Handle noise complaint submissions and tracking
/api/notifications Manage general notification system for all users
/api/parking Handle guest parking pass creation and validation
/api/property Manage property information and amenities
/api/users Handle user registration, profile management, and authentication

🧩 Component Structure

The application uses a component-based architecture with the following key components:

πŸ“ Layout Components

  • Header: Main navigation header
  • Footer: Site footer with links and information
  • Layout: Main layout wrapper for consistent page structure

πŸ“„ Page Components

  • LandingPage: Homepage with marketing content
  • Dashboard: Tenant dashboard with access to features
  • Login: User authentication page
  • Register: New user registration

βš™οΈ Feature Components

  • FeatureHighlight: Showcases key application features
  • FeatureCard: Individual feature display card
  • ContactUs: Contact form for prospective tenants
  • ParkingPassForm: Form for creating guest parking passes
  • SmartDoorAccess: Interface for door access management
  • PackageLockerAccess: Interface for package locker management
  • LeaseManagement: Interface for lease viewing and signing
  • Messaging: Messaging interface for tenant-management communication

🎨 UI Components

  • Hero: Hero section for landing page
  • HeroPool: Secondary hero section with image

πŸ”„ Data Flow

πŸ‘€ User Registration and Authentication

Step Description
1 User submits registration form
2 Data is sent to Appwrite for authentication
3 User record is created in the database
4 Authentication token is returned and stored
5 User is redirected to dashboard

πŸš— Guest Parking Pass Creation

Step Description
1 Tenant fills out parking pass form
2 Form data is validated client-side
3 Data is sent to /api/parking endpoint
4 Parking pass record is created in database
5 Unique pass code is generated and returned
6 Pass details are displayed to tenant

πŸ”” Notification Flow

Step Description
1 Admin creates notification through admin interface
2 Notification is stored in database with appropriate type and priority
3 Notification appears in tenant's notification list
4 Tenant can mark notification as read
5 Notification status is updated in database

πŸ“„ Lease Generation

Step Description
1 Admin enters lease details for tenant
2 Data is sent to lease generation API
3 PDF lease document is created using PDF-lib
4 Lease record is created in database
5 Tenant receives notification about new lease
6 Tenant can view and digitally sign lease

πŸš€ Deployment

The application is designed to be deployed using modern cloud infrastructure:

Component Deployment Solution
Frontend and API Next.js application on platforms like Vercel or Netlify
Database PostgreSQL database hosted on a cloud provider (e.g., Supabase, AWS RDS, Digital Ocean)
Authentication Appwrite services for user authentication
File Storage Cloud storage for property images and documents
Environment Variables Configured for different environments (development, production)

Jira/Git Workflow

Choose a Jira ticket

  • In Jira, find a ticket to work on
  • Assign it to yourself and mark it as 'In Progress'

Local work

  • Make sure your local repo is up to date (make sure you have main checked out locally first):

    git pull origin main
  • Create a new branch locally. Make sure to only use the Jira ticket:

    git checkout -b AP-12345
  • Make your changes and then stage them. Commits should be either feat, chore, or fix. Make sure the Jira ticket is at the end in parentheses:

    git commit -m 'feat: add super awesome modal (AP-12345)'


    git commit -m "chore: add bg color for super awesome modal (AP-12345)"


    git commit -m "fix: center modal (AP-12345)"

Push to GitHub and make a pull request

  • Sync the remote repo with with your local repo and your new branch:

    git push origin AP-12345
  • Under ( you should find the branch you just pushed. Click on it.

  • Click "Compare & pull request".

  • Make sure base is set to main at the top.

  • Adjust the title as needed and add a description.

  • Add reviewers (2) by clicking the gear.

  • Click "Create pull request".

  • Once the PR is approved, the assignee (you) should complete the pull request by merging to main and delete the branch.

  • Go back to Jira and change ticket status to done.

Color Branding

In order to use the in-line color schema within any front-end component, under className, use one of the following color configuration names:

  • primary-green
  • secondary-blue
  • alternate-green
  • primary-black
  • secondary-dark-gray
  • alternate-gray
  • alternate-light-gray

These can be applied to background colors, text colors, and border colors using Tailwind's utility classes.

Example Usage

Background Color

<div className='bg-primary-green p-4'>
  This div has a primary green background.

What's the Difference Between Some of These API Routes?


This generates a lease and sends it to Documenso. It's triggered when admin fills out the lease form.


  • Collects lease details (landlord, tenant, address, rent, dates).
  • Generates a PDF using pdf-lib.
  • Sends the PDF to Documenso.
  • Triggers an email to the tenant (once sending is successful).
  • Redirects to /confirmation?id={documentId} after successful submission.

/api/document-status/route.js Purpose: Fetches the current status of a lease document from Documenso. Triggered by: The /confirmation page to check if the tenant has signed.


  • Takes a documentId and queries Documenso.
  • Returns the status (DRAFT, PENDING SIGNATURE, SIGNED, etc.).
  • Used for displaying lease progress on the dashboard.


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