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Git CTF 🚩 but good this time ╰(*°▽°*)╯


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Git CTF 🚩 but good this time.


  • Rust
  • Docker
  • Python 3.6 (for docker TCP switchboard)
  • Ansible (optional)



Using Ansible, you can build and deploy the game server from nothing.

cd build/ansible
sed -i 's/' hosts
ansible-playbook -v -i hosts build.yaml

Make sure that you have Ansible configured correctly with your SSH keys. Here's the docs.

Note: Remember to expose 22 to your IP. If you're like me with AWS EC2, you need to add a rule to the security group. Like this:

aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id PUT_HERE --protocol tcp --port 22 --cidr "$(curl -s | jq -r '.YourFuckingIPAddress')/32"

How to build the challenge Docker manually

Create the hook script

cd to the scripts directory.

cargo run --bin generate-pre-receive-hook -- --verbose ..\levels\game-config.toml .\src\bin\templates\hook.tmpl
cargo run --bin generate-pre-receive-hook -- --verbose ../levels/game-config.toml src/bin/templates/hook.tmpl

Build and run docker image

Build docker
docker build --tag mgb:0.1 --build-arg CACHE_DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S) --build-arg OWASP_FLAG_1="AppSec-IL{g1t_d035_P3rM1t_T0_c0mm1T}" --build-arg OWASP_FLAG_2="AppSec-IL{1f_y0u_w4n7_17_c0m3_4nd_917_17}" .
Run docker
docker run --detach --name mgbtest --publish 7777:22 mgb:0.1
Copy ssh key (for outside cloning)
docker cp mgbtest:/home/player/.ssh/id_rsa ./id_rsa.player
Useful oneliner
docker rm -f mgbtest; docker build --build-arg CACHE_DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S%z) --build-arg OWASP_FLAG_1="AppSec-IL{g1t_d035_P3rM1t_T0_c0mm1T}" --build-arg OWASP_FLAG_2="AppSec-IL{1f_y0u_w4n7_17_c0m3_4nd_917_17}" --tag mgb:0.1 . && docker run --detach --name mgbtest --publish 7777:22 mgb:0.1
Connect to the running instance

Password is player.

ssh player@localhost -p 7777

How to build the web content

Build the level browser

cargo run --bin generate-levels-graph -- -v ../levels/game-config.toml src/bin/templates/graph.tmpl

Set up docker-tcp-switchboard

Only relevant for the game server, no need to do this for local build.

git clone
# install deps and then
touch /var/log/docker-tcp-switchboard.log
chmod a+w /var/log/docker-tcp-switchboard.log

Copy build/docker-tcp-switchboard.conf to /etc/docker-tcp-switchboard.conf. Finally, run python3


Unit tests

cd scripts
cargo test

Test levels

Login as user tester to the built Docker and then:

cd tests

Should print something like:

> ./
TESTLOG: Testing /home/tester/tests/
TESTLOG: testing level basic-1 branch scorpion-treenware-gestatory
TESTLOG: Test /home/tester/tests/ passed
TESTLOG: Testing /home/tester/tests/
TESTLOG: testing level basic-2 branch sidespins-areae-regalio
TESTLOG: Test /home/tester/tests/ passed
TESTLOG: Testing /home/tester/tests/
TESTLOG: testing level log-1 branch turbulator-feere-reinclined
TESTLOG: Test /home/tester/tests/ passed
TESTLOG: Testing /home/tester/tests/
TESTLOG: testing level log-2 branch insatiably-skyjackers-program
TESTLOG: Test /home/tester/tests/ passed
TESTLOG: Testing /home/tester/tests/
TESTLOG: testing level log-3 branch originates-anagyrine-untolerative
TESTLOG: Test /home/tester/tests/ passed
TESTLOG: Testing /home/tester/tests/
TESTLOG: testing level log-4 branch belialist-interlaying-mize
TESTLOG: Test /home/tester/tests/ passed
TESTLOG: Testing /home/tester/tests/
TESTLOG: testing level merge-1 branch macrochiropteran-jupon-lutecium
TESTLOG: Test /home/tester/tests/ passed
TESTLOG: Testing /home/tester/tests/
TESTLOG: testing level merge-2 branch poseuse-citronwood-manganese
TESTLOG: Test /home/tester/tests/ passed
TESTLOG: Testing /home/tester/tests/
TESTLOG: testing level merge-3 branch twee-enfamish-stropharia
TESTLOG: Test /home/tester/tests/ passed
TESTLOG: Testing /home/tester/tests/
TESTLOG: testing level merge-4 branch multichord-ethicalism-fenestration
TESTLOG: Test /home/tester/tests/ passed
TESTLOG: Testing /home/tester/tests/
TESTLOG: testing level merge-5 branch reappraise-veratroyl-garfishes
TESTLOG: Test /home/tester/tests/ passed
TESTLOG: Testing /home/tester/tests/
TESTLOG: testing level revert-1 branch lomentaceous-mididae-hexadecane
TESTLOG: Test /home/tester/tests/ passed
TESTLOG: Testing /home/tester/tests/
TESTLOG: testing level start-here branch start-here
TESTLOG: Test /home/tester/tests/ passed
TESTLOG: Out of 13 tests, 13 passed and 0 failed.

Note: Can also run with -v to see all git output and random echos as well.


Add a new stage

cargo run --bin generate-new-level -- ..\levels\game-config.toml .\src\bin\templates\level_checker.tmpl .\src\bin\templates\level_test.tmpl .\src\bin\templates\level_page.tmpl .\src\bin\resources\words_alpha.txt ..\levels\ -v


Git CTF 🚩 but good this time ╰(*°▽°*)╯







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