Codesis Website project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
- Goto the codesis-website repository
- Click on the Fork button in the upper right corner.
- Clone the forked repository on your local machine
git clone<your username>/codesis-website.git
- To install the dependencies ,in the project directory you can run:
- Once the dependencies are installed,run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
- Create a branch to do your work.
A good practice is to call the branch in the form of GH- followed by the title of the issue.
git checkout -b GH-issuenumber-title-of-issue
Make necessary changes,and commit those changes.
Push your changes to github
git push -u origin GH-issuenumber-title-of-issue
Pull Request
When finished create a pull request from your branch to the main codesis-website repository.
When making a pull request use
Closes #(issue_number)
in the description of your PR, so that GitHub automatically associates your PR with that issue. -
In the description of your PR, mention what bug or feature this provides. Give any relevant information, that you think maintainer should know like :
Tests you did to check your new PR or code
Your approach to the problem
Any other relevant information that you think one might keep in mind for future
Make it clear,complete and simple so your PR gets merged easily !