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Jove: Jupyter Notebooks for Automata and Computability

What is Jove?

Jove is the collection of Jupyter notes created by Ganesh Gopalakrishnan for teaching Models of Computation. We use "Jove", "Jove note books" and "Jupyter notebooks" interchangeably. However "Jove" denotes those Jupyter notebooks that are part of the git distribution, tying together many learning modules. My class website shows how I taught using Jove, my slides, and my Youtube videos.

Tasks and Order Recommended

  1. Install Jupyter notebooks following the instructions in Jupyter_Notebook_Installation.pdf found in this directory. Then git clone Jove from

    Now you are ready to follow the contents First_Jove_Tutorial and get a feel for Jupyter notes, Jove, and my book.

    1. Read the book Automata and Computability: A Programmer's Perspective (hereafter often abbreviated as ACPP). Don't worry if you don't have access to the book, although the book provides the theory and ties-in Jove's usage. Automata and Computability: A Programmer's Perspective (Amazon link)
  2. If you have bought the ACPP book, look at its Appendix B to know which Jove functions are in which Jove (Jupyter) notebooks

Introduction to Jove

The Github URL for this is


The code collection is called "Jove" (which the reader may recognize as another name for planet Jupiter). In fact, the exclamation "by Jove!" means "by Jupiter!"

Jove is a collection of Jupyter notebooks illustrating many principles:

  • Sets, strings and languages
  • Language operations
  • Construction of and operations on DFA and NFA
  • Regular expression parsing and automata inter-conversion
  • Derivate-based parsing
  • Pushdown automata
  • The construction of parsers using context-free productions, including a full lexer/parser for Jove's own markdown syntax
  • Studies of parsing: ambiguity, associativity, precedence
  • Turing machines (including one for the Collatz problem)
  • Solver for the Post Correspondence Problem (Ling Zhao's PCP solver made available through a convenient Jupyter notebook)

Some of the Jupyter notebooks start with a Youtube video link describing the notebook's content and operation. This can serve as a handy ``self-tutorial'' of the notebook. Even without such a video, all notebooks are documented to some extent as are the functions introduced.

PLEASE NOTE: The Youtube videos often contain class lecture screen recordings. Feel free to scroll around in these videos to locate Jove (Jupyter notebook) sessions, and follow those.

Read a newly added section NOTE TO WINDOWS USERS below.

Jove's Design and Code Organization

Jove's structure is kept deliberately simple to cater to a broad audience. We do not employ classes or objects. All automata are simple structs. A functional style of programming is preferred where each function takes an automaton-struct and returns another.

We often prefer a side-effect-free functional/recursive/higher-order style of coding to make the logic of the function stand out. When iteration makes sense (e.g. NFA to RE conversion) we do employ the more familiar iterative style.

The section contents called CONTENTS below specifies how we offer all the files belonging to Jove.

Most automata (NFA, DFA, PDA, and Turing machines) have "Def_..." files that define basic operations on these machine-types. We then provide "Drive_..." files that drive these definitions to illustrate the use of the functions.

In order to include the "Def_..." files into the "Drive_..." files, we prefer to generate Python [.py] files from the former, store these files into an jove/ directory, and include those [.py] files into the "Drive_..." files. While the direct importing of Jupyter notebooks into other notebooks is supported, we once ran into bugs, and felt that our approach of generating [.py] files and importing them into the "Drive_..." files arrangement was more foolproof.

A key requirement is to have and in the top-level directory. This will be invoked during parsing. These files ( and may be freely copied-over to any subdirectory that needs them, as well (e.g., if an import fails, feel free to install them there).

All automata are displayed using Graphiviz for which your Jupyter notebook must have Graphiviz installed; we provide [complete instructions in the section "Obtaining and Setting up Jupyter for running Jove", below.] (#obtaining-and-setting-up-jupyter-for-running-jove).

Obtaining and Setting up Jupyter for running Jove

(Note: You may consider installing Jupyter Lab after you setup Jupyter. It often makes Jove shine! Here is info on the just-released Jupyter Lab.)

In order to run Jove, you need to set up Jupyter on your machine. Detailed instructions for setting up Jupyter are provided IN THIS OVERLEAF DOCUMENT. (which will be kept updated) and also in THIS SECTION (which may become obsolete; hopefully not)

We have also kept a PDF of these instructions in Jupyter_Notebook_Installation.pdf.


Salient contents of this git directory are now described:

  • First_Jove_Tutorial -- contains tutorial stuff you ought to run first (as soon as you install Jupyter notebooks)
  • 3rdparty -- contains 3rd-party stuff ( and for now)
  • jove -- all the key Jove include files [.py]
  • machines -- examples of machines in Jove markdown syntax you can study
  • tools -- a Python script to clear output cells before you save [.ipynb]
  • notebooks
    • tutorial -- Jupyter notebooks you can run and study (has Youtube videos)
    • module -- More Jupyter notebooks you can run and study (some Youtube)
    • src -- These are the Def_*.ipynb from which the aforesaid jove [.py] files obtained
    • driver -- These are still more Jupyter notebooks to run and study 'src'
  • asgjove -- contains some class assignments
  • quizzes -- contains more class assignments or quizzes


Update of 8/21/18: For Windows users, the Jove repo provided should work fine without changes!

But we have ended up copying the jove/ directory and as well as into all the directories that need them. I know, this is ugly, and causes code-replication. But in a class setting, we found that "idiot-proof" methods such as this often help students at all levels and having machines of all types.

The old instructions to windows users is included [AT THE END] (#obsolete-but-perhaps-interesting) under "Obsolete but perhaps interesting". It consisted of using symbolic links etc. It is a pain to create symbolic links in Windows (requires Admin privileges), and so we have moved away from this. But look at that section if you are curious, and want to adapt to that style (much less code replication).

Begin by taking a few tutorials

Take the First_Jove_Tutorial to a sufficient degree.

Then, begin by taking tutorials from the tutorials directory. This directory contains [.ipynb] notebooks that have embedded Youtube links. The section [Jove Tutorials are described in detail here] (#jove-tutorials-are-described-in-detail-here) (below) can be quite helpful.

Just go to the notebooks/tutorial directory and type 'jupyter notebook' and execute the cells in tutorial notebooks you see here.

Learn Jove's markdown syntax for creating well-documented machines

While drawings (consisting of directed graphs of nodes and edges) are a good way to create small machines, larger machines are best created in a textual syntax.

All the machines we create in Jove are really like assembly code; in order to make them readable, easily gradeable, maintainable, and mistake-free, you must create them with good documentation and well-chosen state names. For this, we provide a convenient markdown syntax.

  • Learn this syntax by running notebooks/driver/Drive_md2mc.ipynb

  • Learn the construction of a mini-compiler including lexer and parser for parsing the markdown syntax and turning them into Jove's internal representation (structs) by a parser present in notebooks/src/Def_md2mc.ipynb. This is what is driven by notebooks/driver/Drive_md2mc.ipynb.

Other Directory Contents

You may descend into any of these directories and execute the Jupyter notebooks you find there. Here are more specifics:

  • Module_... contained in the notebooks/modules directory:
  • These files were created before we designed Jove's input markdown language. They are still valuable illustrations.
  • Notice that some of the very well-coded Turing machines (by Ian Briggs) are available only in the ``low-level'' form (specifically inside Module10_TM.ipynb) -- and not in the markdown form yet. Thus, this module directory has great value for studying some non-trivial TMs.

  • The machines directory contains four directories dfafiles, nfafiles, pdafiles, and tmfiles that contain examples of Jove markdown files. This is how you can build machines using an editor and load into Jove via the command md2mc.

  • Def_.. files contained in notebooks/src directory

  • This is a directory containing Jove definitions. We exported these Jupyter notebooks into [.py] and stuck them within the jove directory
  • Drive_... files contained in the notebooks/driver
  • This is a directory containing many useful illustrations of Jove. Some are called out in the Jove tutorial to follow in the next section. All these Drive_... files have a fairly high pedagogical value (in our estimate, anyway)

Jove Tutorials are described in detail here

We now provide a tutorial introduction to Jove. We encourage you to load-up these [.ipynb] files, watch the Youtube video at its beginning (assuming it has one), and then experiment with its contents. We will mention the names of the [.ipynb] files below, and in case they are backed by a Youtube video, then mention that video's link as well. We mention the youtube links because in case you have not successfully set up Jupyter notebooks, you can still experience Jove.

Once you follow the instructions listed under [Obtaining and Setting up Jupyter for running Jove] (#obtaining-and-setting-up-jupyter-for-running-jove), you can run the Jupyter file [.ipynb] either cell by cell or by the ``run all cells'' command.

PLEASE NOTE: Some of the Youtubes are live class-lecture recordings, and may contain material that you do not care about. Feel free to zoom forward till I illustrate things on Jupyter notebooks.

We now describe the tutorials provided.

Basics of Computability

  • [THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO] ( sets the stage for the ACPP book, and introduces some basics, including how you can become proficient in Jupyter notebooks and also learn a subset of the markdown language (usable to create documentation within Jupyter notebooks.
  • The associated Jupyter notebook is Module1_Computability.ipynb

Strings, Languages, and Language Operations

  • [THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO] ( demonstrates how to define strings and languages in Jove. It also describes how one can perform language operations, including union, intersection, and Kleene-star.

  • The Jupyter notebook to practice these ideas is Module2_LanguageOps.ipynb

Basic DFA definitions and operations

  • The associated Jupyter notebooks are Def_DFA.ipynb and Drive_DFA_Unit1.ipynb go with the above video.
  • These notebooks introduce the markdown syntax, how to build a DFA, etc. Testing DFAs can be achieved by introducing a way to generate strings as per the numeric order. This ensures that all short strings are exhaustively tested before longer strings are tried.

  • Another useful Youtube that introduces DFA is in THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO

  • The Jupyter file DFAUnit2.ipynb goes with this video. This covers more DFA operations.

The Pumping Lemma illustrated using cellphone word completion (courtesy Prof. Suresh Venkat)

  • THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO demonstrates that the word-completion automaton hidden in cellphones gets trapped in a cycle when given a huge succession of words to complete.

NFA operations, EClosure, etc

  • The associated Jupyter notebook is Drive_NFA.ipynb.

NFA to RE Conversion

  • The associated Jupyter notebook is Drive_NFA_9_26_17_Class.ipynb

Solving the Postage-Stamp Problem using Minimal DFA, and also DFA Minimization using Brzozowski's algorithm

  • The associated Jupyter notebook is Drive_NFA_9_28_17_Class.ipynb

Derivative-based Parsing (Brzozowski's Derivatives)

  • The associated Jupyter notebooks are A4J.ipynb and A4JSoln.ipynb

Pushdown Automata

  • Pushdown Automata (with a CFG-parsing perspective) are explained here in THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO
  • The associated Jupyter notebook is Drive_PDA_Ch12_Recording.ipynb
  • PDA design with acceptance of various inputs (by empty stack or final state) are explained in THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO
  • The associated Jupyter notebook is Drive_PDA_w_asg5_possibilities_emptystk_a1b2.ipynb

Turing Machines

  • The associated Jupyter Notebook is Ch13_Recording.ipynb

Post Correspondence Problem (PCP) solver

  • Since this requires a third-party software system, namely Ling Zhao's PCP solver, kindly read the file in the 3rdparty directory.
  • The associated Jupyter Notebook is Drive_pcp.ipynb

How to read and extend the code of Jove

Understanding and extending Jove's markdown processing

  • Much of the convenience of defining machines stems from Jove's ability to handle machines described via a markdown syntax.
  • Please peruse Def_md2mc.ipynb and Drive_md2mc.ipynb to fully appreciate how Jove's own markdown processing works. In a sense, this is a mini compiler that takes Jove's markdown and produces the ``machine'' (hash-table) version of Jove's code
  Code written prior to this markdown facility being developed
  is in ModuleN_... files

Extending the Dot display routines

  • We perform all the processing of ``machine'' (hash-table) descriptions and convert them into Graphviz objects.
  • File DotBashers.ipynb is the heart of this markdown processing. This file also checks for the well-formedness of machines. It also has utilities such as fuse-edges to collapse multiple machine-edges into one

Extending other aspects of Jove's functionality

  • For all aspects of Jove's functionality, refer to the Def_... files. If/when you change the functionality of any of the Def_... files, kindly generate a [.py] file and deposit that into the jove/ directory

Installing Jupyter and Jove

Download Anaconda for Python 3

  • Linux: 64-bit or 32-bit
  • Mac: 64-bit
  • Windows: 64-bit or 32-bit

Linux Install

  1. Start the installer (instructions assume 64-bit)

  2. To install system-wide:

    • sudo -H bash
  3. To install only for your user:

    • bash
  4. In the installer, do the following:

    • View the license and accept it
    • Choose where to install (you can press enter for the default)
    • Answer ``yes'' to having the Anaconda path prepended to your PATH
  5. Exit that terminal and open a new one.

    • Make sure that the 'jupyter' found is the one you installed, via command 'which jupyter'.
    • This should return a path in the directory where you installed Anaconda 3.
    • It will be similar to /home/username/anaconda3/bin/jupyter
  6. Install the graphviz command-line module (use 'sudo -H' if you installed Anaconda 3 system-wide)

    • conda install graphviz
  7. Now install the python module for using graphviz. First, make sure the 'pip' tool used is the one from the Anaconda 3 install.

    • which pip
  8. Now for the installing of the graphviz python module. If you installed Anaconda 3 into your home directory, then do the following:

    • pip install graphviz
  9. If you installed Anaconda 3 system-wide, you can install the graphviz module system-wide:

    • sudo -H $(which pip) install graphviz
    • Notice the '$(which pip)' since the root account may not have the same PATH as you. Or you can install graphviz into only your home directory as follows: 'pip install --user graphviz'
  10. Go to Make sure the install works section at the end to verify correct installation.

Mac Install


$ curl -o


$ bash 

Interactive Installation

Welcome to Anaconda3 5.2.0

In order to continue the installation process, please review the license
Please, press ENTER to continue
Anaconda End User License Agreement


Do you accept the license terms? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes
Anaconda3 will now be installed into this location:

  - Press ENTER to confirm the location
  - Press CTRL-C to abort the installation
  - Or specify a different location below

[/Users/vinuj/anaconda3] >>> 

Finishing Installation

installation finished.
Do you wish the installer to prepend the Anaconda3 install location
to PATH in your /Users/yourname/.bash_profile ? [yes|no]
[yes] >>> yes

Check .bash_profile

Appending source /Users/yourname/anaconda3/bin/activate in
newly created /Users/yourname/.bash_profile

For this change to become active, you have to open a new terminal.

Thank you for installing Anaconda3!


No Need to install Any Editors

To install Visual Studio Code, you will need:
  - Internet connectivity

Visual Studio Code License:

Do you wish to proceed with the installation of Microsoft VSCode? [yes|no]
>>> no


Same Terminal

.bash_profile is activated only when you start a new terminal, which means that if you try the following, in the same terminal as the installation then you will get the following message.

$ conda
-bash: conda: command not found

New Terminal

$ which conda


$ cat ~/.bash_profile 

You should notice.

# added by Anaconda3 installer
export PATH="/Users/yourname/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"

Jove Dependencies

  • Install the graphviz command-line tools.
- conda install graphviz
  • Install the graphviz python module
pip install graphviz

Windows Install

  1. Run the installer installing into your home directory. You do not need to add the Anaconda 3 directories to your system PATH.

  2. After the install, open an Anaconda Prompt (go to the start menu and search ``Anaconda Prompt'').

    • Note that if you ignored the advise to install in your home directory, you will want to right-click on the Anaconda Prompt icon and select ``Run as Administrator''.
  3. In this prompt, install graphviz

    • conda install graphviz
  4. Now install the python graphviz module

    • pip install graphviz
  5. Now the graphviz module (or arguably the subprocess module) has a bug that we will need to work around. Basically, calling subprocess.check_call(['dot']) doesn't match with dot.bat that is in the system PATH. There are two fixes for this. Choose whichever one you want.

6. The first is to add the graphviz command-line tool directory to your system path
   - Open the control panel
   - Search for 'environment' and click on 'Edit environment variables for your
   - Double click on ``Path'' in the top half of the window.  Add the
     path for graphviz, which should be something like this:
   - Close all command prompts and open them again to have updated PATH variables

7. The second is to replace 'dot' with 'dot.bat' in the graphviz python module.
   - Navigate to the graphviz python module directory, for example
   - C:\Users\<Username>\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\graphviz
   - Open in a text editor and
   - Around line 19 in both files, replace
      'dot' with 'dot.bat'.  (In, it is the value of
   '_engine', and in ', it is a value
     in the ENGINES set.

8. Go to the section [Make sure the install works](#make-sure-the-install-works) 

Make sure the install works

  1. Now, start the Jupyter notebook

  2. jupyter notebook

  3. If this doesn't open a browser to your notebook, it should print instructions on what to do. Primarily it should give you something to copy and paste into a browser.

  4. Try out some graph generation in your Jupyter notebook. Enter the following in the first cell and press Shift-Enter.

    • import graphviz
    • g = graphviz.Graph()
    • g.edges(['AB', 'BC', 'CD', 'DA'])
    • g

Obsolete but perhaps interesting

If you downloaded Jove before 8/21/18, you perhaps got a repo with symlinks etc. You had to do these adjustments. These are obsolete now.

  1. Go to the jove folder

    • remove the Unix-style symlinks and
    • and run these commands:
      • mklink .. \ 3rdparty \ (symlink works apparently)
      • mklink .. \ 3rdparty \ (symlink works apparently)
  2. Go to EACH of these folders: driver, module, src, tutorial:

    • remove the Unix-style symlinks jove, machines, and
    • and run these commands:
      • mklink .. \ .. \ 3rdparty \ (symlink works apparently)
      • mklink .. \ .. \ 3rdparty \ (symlink works apparently)
      • copy over the folder jove from .. \ .. \ jove (symlink does not work)
      • copy over the folder machines from .. \ .. \ machines (symlink does not work)



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  • Jupyter Notebook 95.8%
  • Python 3.7%
  • Other 0.5%