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This package is a fork of TIFFImageryProvider, originally created and maintained by hongfaqiu. We are grateful for their work and contribution to the open source community. Any modifications made to the original package are our own.

Changes have been made specifically to use the package as a dependency of terriaJS. These changes are documented in CHANGES-FOR-TERRIA.


Load GeoTIFF/COG(Cloud optimized GeoTIFF) on Cesium

gzip size npm latest version license




  • Three band rendering.
  • Multi mode color rendering.
  • Support identify TIFF value with cartographic position.
  • WebGL accelerated rendering.
  • Band calculation.
  • Support nearest neighbor and bilinear interpolation resampling methods.
  • [experimental] Support any projected TIFF .


npm install --save tiff-imagery-provider

yarn add tiff-imagery-provider

pnpm add tiff-imagery-provider



import { Viewer } from "cesium";
import TIFFImageryProvider from 'tiff-imagery-provider';

const cesiumViewer = new Viewer("cesiumContainer");

const provider = await TIFFImageryProvider.fromUrl('');


You can also use the New keyword to create a new TIFFimageryProvider, which was deprecated after [email protected]+

const provider = new TIFFImageryProvider({
provider.readyPromise.then(() => {

Experimental If TIFF's projection is not EPSG:4326 or EPSG:3857, you can pass the projFunc to handle the projection

import proj4 from 'proj4';

TIFFImageryProvider.fromUrl(YOUR_TIFF_URL, {
  projFunc: (code) => {
    if (code === 32760) {
      proj4.defs("EPSG:32760", "+proj=utm +zone=60 +south +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs");
      return {
        project: proj4("EPSG:4326", "EPSG:32760").forward,
        unproject: proj4("EPSG:4326", "EPSG:32760").inverse

Band calculation

TIFFImageryProvider.fromUrl(YOUR_TIFF_URL, {
  renderOptions: {
    single: {
      colorScale: 'rainbow',
      domain: [-1, 1],
      expression: '(b1 - b2) / (b1 + b2)'

Custom colors

TIFFImageryProvider.fromUrl(YOUR_TIFF_URL, {
  renderOptions: {
    single: {
      "colors": [
        [1, "rgb(154, 206, 127)"],
        [2, "rgb(163, 214, 245)"],
        [3, "rgb(255, 251, 177)"],
        [4, "rgb(193, 114, 97)"],
        [5, "rgb(220, 100, 120)"],
        [6, "rgb(49, 173, 105)"]
      type: "discrete",
      useRealValue: true // use real value in colors stops


class TIFFImageryProvider {
  ready: boolean;
  readyPromise: Promise<void>
  bands: Record<number, {
    min: number;
    max: number;
  origin: number[];
  reverseY: boolean;
  samples: number;
  constructor(options: TIFFImageryProviderOptions & {
     * @deprecated 
     * Deprecated after [email protected]+, you can use fromUrl instead
     * @example 
     * const provider = await TIFFImageryProvider.fromUrl(url)
    url?: string | File | Blob;

  get isDestroyed(): boolean;
  destroy(): void;
  static fromUrl(url: string | File | Blob, options?: TIFFImageryProviderOptions): Promise<TIFFImageryProvider>;

interface TIFFImageryProviderOptions {
  requestOptions?: {
    /** defaults to false */
    forceXHR?: boolean;
    headers?: Record<string, any>;
    credentials?: boolean;
    /** defaults to 0 */
    maxRanges?: number;
    /** defaults to false */
    allowFullFile?: boolean;
    [key: string]: any;
  credit?: string;
  tileSize?: number;
  maximumLevel?: number;
  minimumLevel?: number;
  enablePickFeatures?: boolean;
  hasAlphaChannel?: boolean;
  renderOptions?: TIFFImageryProviderRenderOptions;
   * If TIFF's projection is not EPSG:4326 or EPSG:3857, you can pass the ``projFunc`` to handle the projection
   * @experimental
  projFunc?: (code: number) => {
    /** projection function, convert [lon, lat] position to [x, y] */
    project: ((pos: number[]) => number[]);
    /** unprojection function, convert [x, y] position to [lon, lat] */
    unproject: ((pos: number[]) => number[]);
  } | undefined;
  /** cache size, defaults to 100 */
  cacheSize?: number;
  /** resample web worker pool size, defaults to the number of CPUs available. When this parameter is `null` or 0, then the resampling will be done in the main thread. */
  workerPoolSize?: number;

type TIFFImageryProviderRenderOptions = {
  /** nodata value, default read from tiff meta */
  nodata?: number;
  /** Only valid for three band rendering, defaults to { 'black': 'transparent' } */
  colorMapping?: Record<string, string>;
  /** try to render multi band cog to RGB, priority 1 */
  convertToRGB?: boolean;
  /** priority 2 */
  multi?: MultiBandRenderOptions;
  /** priority 3 */
  single?: SingleBandRenderOptions;
  /** resample method, defaults to nearest */
  resampleMethod?: 'bilinear' | 'nearest';

interface SingleBandRenderOptions {
  /** band index start from 1, defaults to 1 */
  band?: number;

   * The color scale image to use.
  colorScaleImage?: HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLImageElement;

   * The name of a named color scale to use.
  colorScale?: ColorScaleNames;

  /** custom interpolate colors, [stopValue(0 - 1), color] or [color], if the latter, means equal distribution 
   * @example
   * [[0, 'red'], [0.6, 'green'], [1, 'blue']]
  colors?: [number, string][] | string[];

  /** Determine whether to use the true value range for custom color ranges, defaults to false */
  useRealValue?: boolean;

  /** defaults to continuous */
  type?: 'continuous' | 'discrete';

   * The value domain to scale the color.
  domain?: [number, number];

   * Range of values that will be rendered, values outside of the range will be transparent.
  displayRange?: [number, number];

   * Set if displayRange should be used.
  applyDisplayRange?: boolean;

   * Whether or not values below the domain shall be clamped.
  clampLow?: boolean;

   * Whether or not values above the domain shall be clamped (if not defined defaults to clampLow value).
  clampHigh?: boolean;
   * Sets a mathematical expression to be evaluated on the plot. Expression can contain mathematical operations with integer/float values, band identifiers or GLSL supported functions with a single parameter.
   * Supported mathematical operations are: add '+', subtract '-', multiply '*', divide '/', power '**', unary plus '+a', unary minus '-a'.
   * Useful GLSL functions are for example: radians, degrees, sin, asin, cos, acos, tan, atan, log2, log, sqrt, exp2, exp, abs, sign, floor, ceil, fract.
   * Don't forget to set the domain parameter!
   * @example 
   * '-2 * sin(3.1415 - b1) ** 2'
   * '(b1 - b2) / (b1 + b2)'
  expression?: string;

interface MultiBandRenderOptions {
  /** Band value starts from 1 */
  r?: {
    band: number;
    min?: number;
    max?: number;
  g?: {
    band: number;
    min?: number;
    max?: number;
  b?: {
    band: number;
    min?: number;
    max?: number;

/** see */
type ColorScaleNames = 'viridis' | 'inferno' | 'turbo' | 'rainbow' | 'jet' | 'hsv' | 'hot' | 'cool' | 'spring' | 'summer' | 'autumn' | 'winter' | 'bone' | 'copper' | 'greys' | 'ylgnbu' | 'greens' | 'ylorrd' | 'bluered' | 'rdbu' | 'picnic' | 'portland' | 'blackbody' | 'earth' | 'electric' | 'magma' | 'plasma' | 'redblue' | 'coolwarm' | 'diverging_1' | 'diverging_2' | 'blackwhite' | 'twilight' | 'twilight_shifted';


online Demo

  • Powered by Next.js.
  • Dark mode with Semi-UI.
  • Simple cog custom render method.

Launch the app in the demo folder, and then visit http://localhost:3000/

pnpm install
cd example
pnpm dev
screenshot.png classify.png landsat.png


  • GPU speed up calculation
  • More efficient tile request method


Publishing for use with Terriajs

First, bump the package number in package.json. Try to keep this in sync with the upstream semantic versioning, and add a suffix for incrementing terria specific changes against an upstream version.

npm login --registry=

If running npm v9 you will also need to add --auth-type=legacy flag, so:

npm login --registry= --auth-type=legacy

For password, you should provide a github Personal Access Token and make sure that you have packages_write permission attached to that token. For username use your github username, and email github email.

This email must be in the Terria Team user group to have read access.

Once you are logged in with a PAT that has package write permissions you can do

npm publish


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  • SCSS 6.6%
  • Other 1.0%