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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

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WORK IN PROGRESS: A Vim buffer viewer.

NB! This is experimental and has known bugs and limitations.

Open with :YabexOpen or create a map for it. You could uncomment call s:set_maps() in plugin/plugin.vim

Once open it list all buffers + most hidden.

Gutter show window, list shows buffer number. If one buffer is open in multiple windows, (usually) the last accessed is displayed.

Color codes (see Sample Images):

  • Current and Alt Window window have separate colors
  • Current and Alt buffer have different colors


Position the cursor on a file and:

Key Action
Enter Open file in last window
<Leader>Enter Open file in last window and set focus
<NR>Enter Open file in window <NR>
<NR><Leader>Enter Open file in window <NR> and set focus
o Open file in last window
O Open file in last window and set focus
<NR>o Open file in window <NR>
<NR>O Open file in window <NR> and set focus
e Open :Explore in path for file under cursor
t Open :terminal in path for file under cursor
d Do git diff for file under cursor
Note: The diff is opened in a sratch buffer which is re-used on next diff. New diffs are appended to the buffer. Anything can be overwritten or lost on new diffs.

Sample images

Sample 1

Here windows are: Buffers:

1. The Yabex window

2. The alternate window (Ctrl+W p)

3. Current window

7. Current buffer

5. Alternate buffer for current window (:b#)

3. Buffer visible in window 2

Sample 2

Here windows are: Buffers:

1. The Yabex window - Current

2. The alternate window (Ctrl+W p) – And current target for e.g. Enter, o etc.

3. Window 3

1. Alternate buffer for window 2

4. Current buffer for window 2

5. Current file in window 3