** Character palette compression tool for the Fire Emblem GBA games; to be used with Event Assembler **
the format for this is a # line which marks the start of an entry and holds the informationon what to do with the palette followed by the palettes in hex form. You should be able to paste the palette hex from ferecolor or any hex editor. The palettes go and separate lines and are ordered Player, Enemy, NPC, and P4 Arena; with a P1 Arena at the end for character palettes
You can also use auto to have the palette autofilled with the autofill palette, which is the first palette by default
After running Pal2EA #include "Palette Setup.event" in your buildfile to insert all your palettes
Theses are the commands that go into the # line
Current Commands
insert palette at entry pal_id in the character palette table
insert a generic palette for a battle sprite animation
you can set the same generic palette to multiple animations by doing gen{id1, id2, id3, ...}
name of label for the palette that will be used in EA output
If a label is not found a basic one will be generated automatically
set{char_id, palnum, class}
insertion information; assigns the palette to the character for you
is optional; for character palettes only
if FE8, use 0x0-0x6 for the 7 palettes a character can have
if FE6/FE7, use U for the unpromoted palette and P for the promoted palette
skip autofilll and compression
not fully supported yet
changes which palette is used for autofill
this how the palettes are numbered for this:
0 player palette
1 enemy palette
2 NPC palette
3 Arena Team 4
4 Arena Team 1
the player palette will be used for autofill by default
insert the palette at the given offset
//this is a comment
this is single line comment; pal2EAwill ignore everything from \\ to newline
Multi line comments may be implemented in a future update
# char{palette_id} "Label" set{char_id, palette number, class_id}
// use this to make single-line comments
player palette
enemy palette
NPC palette
Arena Team 4
Arena Team 1
//the lazy way
# char{palette_id} "Label" set{char_id, palette number, class_id}
player palette
//pal2ea will autofill the rest for you
# char{0x6D} "Eirika_Mage" set{0x1, 0x1, 0x26} auto{1}
//this is a comment
auto //autofill this one with the enemy palette
# gen{0x6C} "MageF"
//female mage generic palette, this line is a comment
//set the new recruit generic palette to both the lance and disarmed animations
# gen{0x96,0x97} "Recruit Recolor"
5553FF7FFF6B1F4B2E197063AA4AE431 182AE5798461C130757B8B626439A514
5553FF7FFF6B1F4B2E195B4A722DCC18 182AFE14D8101004787B8E5E6739A514
5553FF7FFF6B1F4B2E197243AC2AE611 182AC53F04338119757B8B626439A514
5553FF7FFF6B1F4B2E195B6E9555CF3C 182A3879D2606C30757B8B626439A514
//example using EA's standard definitions
#char{0x3D} "Hero Franz" set{Franz, 0x3, Hero}
//FE7/FE6 Example
#char{0x1} "Lyn Lord" set{Lyn,0} //0 for unpromoted class
#char{0x1B} "Lyn Blade Lord" set{Lyn,1} //1 for promoted class
all palettes are read from one file now
fixed mistake in FE7/FE6 macros in definitions file
added auto{} to change autofill palette
slightly altered definitions file
added U and P shortcuts for set{}
implemented at{} so you can insert at a fixed offset
converted all () to {} for the sake of consistency
slightly improved error handling
improved syntax error handling
fixed problem that caused the program to crash if symbols were in the label name
added system for showing errors and warnings if there are any problems detected in the input file