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TekMonks edited this page Mar 11, 2019 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the ASB wiki!

ASB (API ESB) is an asynchronous, parallel and very high performance, enterprise ESB.

Fully asynchronous, and very easy to use.

Uses JSON and not XML as the native datatype and common sense to keep things easy.

  • Native support for REST APIs, as the integration layer, supporting API based integration instead of traditional XML document based integration.

  • Native support for JSON as the underlying datatype. Very low parsing overhead compared to XML / Java ESBs.

  • Support for server-side Javascript as the integration and transformation language.

  • Common-sense to keep things easy.

  • Extremely high performance, capable of handling millions of messages per hour, in a single instance.

  • Lightweight and low footprint.

  • Built for AI Data Integrations, and building REST API integration layers.

  • Support for legacy systems from Mainframes all the way to mobile apps to latest technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) based systems.