A topology generator for NS3 built on olcpixelgameengine for College Project. This program generates a code file based on user's created topology which can be compiled in NS3. This software is by no means finished or optimized, This is just a minor project.
Just clone the repository and open solution in Visual Studio, Compile the code and that's it.
Open terminal in the same directory as the cloned repository and use
g++ -o outputfilename Source.cpp -lX11 -lGL -lpng -lpthread
You can visit here for more information on olcpixelgameengine
This project only uses mouse inputs.
- Hold and drag middle mouse button to pan, scroll it to zoom in and out.
- Use scroll over sidebar to change current tool.
- Use Node tool and left click to place nodes.
- Left click on any node to select it.
- Almost all tools once selected can be used via right click, Tools only affect selected nodes not the one you are currently hovering over.
- Traffic, Connection requires you first select one node and right click on other.
- Traffic is generated from selected node to right clicked node.
- Close the program to generate code file named test1.cc, this name can be changed in Source.cpp.
The generated code can be compiled in ns3 by placing files this and this to scratch folder of ns3 and compiling as usual.
This project currently only supports these functionalities :-
- Creates only point to point links.
- Generates trafffic only for tcp sockets.
- All NetDeviceContainer have same datarate and delay. This can be changed in kernel.dat