This is a IoT based and Digital Control System based project that drives to solve real world problems encounting in highways. By clearly observe the problem we saw that there are several key aspects that can be treated by using digital control systems.
In this project we basically use nodemcu esp8266 and arduino as the control boards. ESP8266 can connect to the internet via wifi and it connects with an API to communicate. There is a seperate API that hace deployed for the task of identification of valid vehicles when comes to the gate. So if the vehicle has permissions / paid to access the road, the gate will open. In the next phase the system is handled by arduino and it checks the weather conditions, vibrations and shocks and speed of the car. Then display any abnormal conditions that met throughout the system.
Here is a detailed infographic of the system in the perspective of sensors and controllers.
The sensors that have been used are:
- RFID Module
- IR Sensor
- Rain Sensor
- Vibration Sensor
- LDR Sensor
The other components that have been used are:
- Power Supplu
- Wires
- Buzzer
- etc
Feel free to experiment and collaborate on this project to apply in the real world!