Task Hero is productivity tool. It enables a team to manage tasks and progress with chat and notification. A team can manage single task with multiple steps which are assigned to each team members.
You can find the latest version of the app on the iOS store here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/task-hero-app/id1197267347?ls=1&mt=8.
The following required functionality are implemented:
- Users can sign in / log out
- Users can create Tasks with associated Steps
- Tasks should be able to be created from templates in Catalog
- Users can view Tasks currently in progress
- Users can view Steps assigned to them
- Users can check off completed Steps (should have fun animation)
- Steps can be assigned to people
- Poke the Steps; associated users get notifications
- Users can chat on the Task
- Users can update Tasks in catalog
The following optional features are implemented:
- User gets notification when it is their turn to do Steps
- User gets notification when their signoff is required
- User can add photo images to Steps
- Custom refresh loader
- Drag-and-Dropping of cells on homescreen
- Custom animations
- Users receive push notifications on step and task completions, chats, and when it's their turn to complete a step
- User can be a part of groups and create them
- Tasks/Steps can be viewed in history; Completed tasks are moved to the bottom on active Tasks
The following additional features are implemented:
- FTUE walkthrough
- FTUE: have some template goals that they can add
- Integration with 3rd parties (Evernote, slack, etc.)
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
Final version:
Mockup version (From Sprint 2):
GIF created with LiceCap.
Copyright 2016 CodePath / Jonathan Como / Sahil Agarwal / Akifumi Shinagawa
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