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Bot for the Tardsquad Discord guild written with and deployed to Google Cloud Compute Engine..


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Tardsquad Discord Bot

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A Discord chat bot for the Tardsquad guild (Discord name for server) written in Python with the popular library and deployed using Docker at Cloud Run Compute Engine.



Make sure to use a supported python version. See the key python in the section tool.poetry.dependencies at pyproject.toml. It's recommended to install e.g. pyenv to manage python versions.

TL;DR The Easy Way

git clone && cd $(basename "$_" .git)
echo "DISCORD_TOKEN=the-token" > .env
docker-compose up

Continue reading for how to setup local development envionment, with our without Docker below:

More Elaborate

git clone
cd tardsquad-discord-bot
  • Install Poetry
pip install poetry
  • Install project dependencies
poetry install
  • Set up envionment. We must make sure to only use the staging envionment so that our local runs don't endup in production the server. Fetch the bot token from the bot tab in the tardsquad-discord-bot-staging application in the Discord developer portal. Either set this as as an envionmental variable together with the guild (server name), or more preffered in the git-ignored .env file in the project directory:
echo "DISCORD_TOKEN=the-token" > .env
  • Now tardsquad-discord-bot should work!
poetry run tardsquad-discord-bot
  • To install locally:
poetry build
pip install dist/tardsquad_discord_bot-*.whl
  • Build and run Docker image using the local .env file with secrets:
docker build -t tardsquad-discord-bot .
docker run --env-file=.env -t tardsquad-discord-bot
# or more simply
docker-compose up
  • Drop in to a shell like
    • New container
    docker run --env-file=.env --rm -it --entrypoint bash tardsquad-discord-bot
    • Runnning container
    docker ps
    docker exec -it <container-id> bash


  • First setup
    • Install gcloud cli e.g. $ brew install google-cloud-sdk
    • Set up first time
    gcloud init
  • To pull a Docker image stored in Google Cloud Registry:
    docker pull
  • To ssh in to the Compute VM
    • SSH
    gcloud compute ssh --project=tardsquad-discord-bot --zone=us-central1-a tardbot-vm
    # or if defaults were set in gcloud-init
    gcloud compute ssh tardbot-vm
  • Restart the VM
    gcloud compute instances stop tardbot-vm
    gcloud compute instances start tardbot-vm
  • Force update to latest container image in GCR and reboot VM:
    gcloud compute instances update-container --project=tardsquad-discord-bot --zone=us-central1-a --container-image tardbot-vm
  • TODO next time document: creating a new VM instance from scratch using
    gcloud compute instances create-with-container \
       --project=tardsquad-discord-bot \
       --zone=us-central1-a \
       --container-image \
       --container-env DISCORD_TOKEN=... \

Release & Deploy

  • First verify that the bot works
    poetry run tardsquad-discord-bot
    docker-compose up
  • Now update version and create corresponding git tag
    poetry version minor && ver="v$(poetry version -s)"
    git commit -am "Bump version to $ver" && git tag $ver && git push --atomic origin main $ver
  • A newly pushed tag with the pattern v.* will trigger a Cloud Build Triggers. This build trigger will execute .google-cloud/cloudbuild.yaml. The last step will spin up a container for the new image at for the Cloud Run Service that runs our container for image published to GCR.
  • Head over to the production discord and try a command like !version and it should work!

Known Issues

  • Even though the Cloud Run revision is configured to only have one container active at once, on a new deploymet the old one will live on for a while. This means that for some moment of time, multiple instances of the bot-client will be conntected and thus one will multiple replies on commands. Cloud Run is designed for web services, not chat bots :).