This repo consists of all the resources (Notebooks, Slides) used for Introduction to Deep Learning - Idea to Production workshop at ODSC 2018, San Francisco.
In this workshop, we will be covering the following topics:
- Deep Learning - Motivation
- Perceptron, Neural Network and Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP)
- Model building process
- Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
- Introduction to Apache MXNet GLUON
- Introduction to Gluon-CV
- Lab - Facial Emotion Recognition, VGG-13, Transfer Learning (Using ImageNet pre-trained weights)
- Sequence Models - Motivation
- Natural Language Processing - Basics: One hot encoding, Embedding, Language Model
- Recurrent Neural Networks
- Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)
- Introduction to Gluon-NLP
- Lab - Sentiment Analysis for IMDB movie review dataset, using pretrained GloVe Embeddings
- MXNet Model Server - Serving deep learning models in production
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