This repository provides the program code to the paper An Autonomous Mobile Handling Robot Using Object Recognition. It can be used to control a UR5 articulated robot mounted to a MiR100 mobile robot, equipped with a Realsense D435 RGB-D-camera and the parallel-jaw gripper Robotiq 2F-85 via ROS. This mobile manipulator ("Butler") is able to drive flexible paths, localize predefined objects and grasp them using an out-of-the-box neural network for object detection and hand-crafted methods for extracting grasp-points from depth images to avoid cumbersome grasp-point-annotated training data.
For further explanations watch the video or read the manual.
Rauer J., Wöber W., and Aburaia M. "An Autonomous Mobile Handling Robot Using Object Recognition", Proceedings of the ARW & OAGM Workshop 2019
Run to install all necessary packages.
- butler (including mir_robot, universal_robot, ur_modern_driver)
- websocket (python) for communication with MiR
- moveit to control UR5
- socket (python) for communication with Gripper
- librealsense2 and pyrealsense2 (python) for communication with Camera
- darknet_ros for object-detection
- ntpdate to sync the times between ROS-Cores
- Open
- In function createGoal add a new elif with your goal parameters
- Set a name
- Get the MiR-Goal from the web-interface by clicking a position in the map
- Measure the table or platform height
- Add the orientation the UR should turn to search / put-down the object
- Check connections as mentioned in Butler_Bedienungsanleitung_v1-1.pdf
- Synchronise times
bash ~/catkin_ws/src/butler/
- Start basic nodes
bash ~/catkin_ws/src/butler/launch/run_real_butler.bash
- Start task-execution
rosrun butler robot_control pickUpGoalName putDownGoalName objectToSearch
- Use goalNames given in
- objectToSearch for must be cup or bottle