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Semi-Automatic Generation of Training Data for Neural Networks for 6D Pose Estimation and Robotic Grasping


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Semi-Automatic Generation of Training Data for Neural Networks for 6D Pose Estimation and Robotic Grasping

Master Thesis by Johannes Rauer at UAS Technikum Wien

Machine-learning-based approaches for pose estimation are trained using annotated groundtruth data – images showing the object and information of its pose. In this work an approach to semiautomatically generate 6D pose-annotated data, using a movable marker and an articulated robot, is presented. A neural network for pose estimation is trained using datasets varying in size and type. The evaluation shows that small datasets recorded in the target domain and supplemented with augmented images lead to more robust results than larger synthetic datasets. The results demonstrate that a mobile manipulator using the proposed pose-estimation system could be deployed in real-life logistics applications to increase the level of automation.

For more information read the Thesis, Paper or watch this Video.


How to cite this work

Rauer J., Aburaia M., and Wöber W., "Semi-Automatic Generation of Training Data for Neural Networks for 6D Pose Estimation and Robotic Grasping", Proceedings of Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020

Requirements and Installation

  • Master-Thesis Git (including mir_robot, universal_robot, ur_modern_driver)

  • blender for Linux apt-get install blender

  • websocket (python) for communication with MiR

  • moveit to control UR5

  • socket (python) for communication with Gripper

  • librealsense2 and pyrealsense2 (python) for communication with Camera

  • albumentations: pip install albumentations

  • Aruco-Markers:

    sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-fiducial-msgs

    sudo apt-get install ros-kinettic-aruco*

  • To make mesh-importer for ur5 working: open /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyassimp/ and change line 33 according to the link to "load, release, dll = helper.search_library()"

Creating a dataset


  • In mt/launch/config.yaml change and add:
    • object_name
    • path_to_obj_stl (You have to provide a correctly scaled STL-file of your object)
    • path_to_store
    • cuboid_dimensions
    • transformTo (measured from CAD-Data from origin of STL-file)

Capturing Data

This includes launching the basic nodes, calculating the object pose, calculating capture-poses and capturing data.

  • Start basic nodes by running bash in mt/launch
    • Wait for the nodes to come up and make sure no errors occur
  • Launch the script to calculate the marker location rosrun mt
    • Place the marker at the specified position onto the object
    • Drive the robot to at least 3 different poses and follow program instructions
    • After finishing check the location of the 3D-model and points in RVIZ
    • Remove the marker from the object without changing its pose
  • Launch the script to calculate capture poses rosrun mt
    • Move the robot to an outer position and follow program instructions
  • Launch the script to acutally capture data rosrun mt PATH_TO_STORE_DATA
    • The robot moves automatically - always be prepared to press emergency stop
    • Confirm messages about protective stop due to fast movement on ur5 control pendant
    • If something goes wrong, restart program giving 2 arguments: number of pose to start recording at and number of image to begin storing
    • To take a break set rosparam pause true
  • When the robot has captured data at each pose move the mobile platform and start again with calculation of ground-truth pose

Post Processing

After all data is recorded segmentation masks and bounding boxes have to be calculated for each image.

  • Prepare blender-file for rendering:
    • Copy mt/src/post_processing/render_image_TEMPLATE.blend and rename it to render_image_OBJECTNAME.blend
    • Open it by typing blender render_image_OBJECTNAME.blend
    • Delete the template-object
    • Import your object (File -> import -> .obj)
    • Rename it to Object
    • Got to material settings (9th symbol), klick this symbol in the opening menu where "0 None" is displayed and select Red
    • Save and close the file
  • Render images (3D model in real pose):
    • blender -b render_image_OBJECTNAME.blend --background -P 1>nul -- "PATH_TO_STORED_FILES/"
    • Check if the result is satisfying
  • Calculate and store bounding-boxes and segmentation masks:
    • python PATH_TO_STORED_FILES/ --kernel INT_VALUE --create_no_masks --delete_render
      • --kernel defines the size of widening for the segmentation mask (due to inaccuracies when capturing data)
      • --create_no_masks if no segmentation masks are needed (also possible to run later --delete_masks)
      • --delete_render to delete the previously rendered images (no longer needed)
    • Check the result and choose correct kernel-size by using flag --vis_contour

Creating Datasets

The recorded data has equal file-names and all data is located in different folders. So all files have to be copied and renamed to create equally distributed training-, test- and evaluation-datasets

  • In the folder nn_tools/dataset_creator/ run python PATH_TO_FOLDERS --percentTestData INT_VALUE
    • All images and json-files have to be located (in subfolders) in PATH_TO_FOLDERS
    • --percentTestData defines how many images should go to a separate folder (equally distributed) for evaulation/testing

Visualizing Data

Visualize Images

To display the ground-truth object pose cuboid coordinates overlaid over the captured image go to nn_tools/data_vis and run python PATH_TO_DATAFOLDER

  • --delete to delete all visualized images
  • --boundingBox to show only bounding boxes
  • --coubids to show only cuboid locations
Visualize Dataset

To print plots showing distribution of poses (roll/pitch/yaw/distance from camera) and location of the cuboids in the images go to nn_tools/dataset_distribution and run python PATH_TO_FOLDER

Data augmentation

To augment data go to augmentation and run python3 PATH_TO_DATA_TO_AUGMENT MIN_NUMBER_AUG_PER_IMAGE MAX_NUMBER_AUG_PER_IMAGE. This should be run in a virtual environment since it requires python 3.7

Training and Evaluating the Neural Network


To train DOPE network go to dope/src/training and run python --data PATH_TO_DATASET --object OBJECT_NAME --outf PATH_TO_STORE_NET --gpuids 0 --batchsize 16 --epochs 120 --pretrained True

Quantitative Evaluation

In quantitative evaluation the neural network estimates the pose of objects in images of an evaluation-dataset and this pose is compared to the ground-truth pose to calculate different metrics

Evaluate the network

In this step, each image from the evaluation dataset is analysed by the neural network and metrics are calculated

  • Go to dope/config and edit config_quantitative.yaml
    • Change path_to_images to the evaluation-dataset folder
    • Set flags whether or not to store images and belief-maps
    • Add the object's dimensions and cuboid points and define a color to draw results
    • Set camera_settings according to _camera_settings.json
  • Convert the 3D model to PLY-format and store it in dope/src/evaluation/OBJECT_NAME.ply
  • Go to dope/src/evaluation and run python NETWORK_NAME
    • The network has to be stored at dope/weigths
  • This produces a folder evaluation_NETWORK_NAME one level above the evaluation-dataset containing
    • a folder for all failed/succeeded images and belief-maps
    • a csv and json file containing the results for each image
Analyse the evaluation

In this step, the evaulation-result as json-file is proceeded to calculate metrics and plot figures for the whole network

  • Go to dope/src/evaluation and run python PATH_TO_EVALUATION_JSON_FILE
  • This produces a figure showing the most important evaluation metrics and a csv-file for excel import

Qualitative Evaluation

The qualitative evaluation takes place on the mobile robot which drives to a position, search for the objects and tries to grasp it

  • Make sure you are on branch evaluation!
  • Open dope/config/config_qualitative.yaml:
    • Specifiy the network to use for evaluation
    • Add the object's dimensions and define a color to draw results
    • Set camera_settings according to your camera
  • To add a new goal: Open in mt/src:
    • Add the goal for the MiR (send MiR to goal in Web-Interface and read x/y/rotation)
    • Add the orientation of the UR to search for the goal (in driving direction)
    • Copy the angle values urJoints from another goal
  • Start basic nodes by running bash in mt/launch
    • Wait for the nodes to come up and make sure no errors occur
  • Launch the script to control the robot, search for the object and grasp it by running rosrun mt PICK_UP_GOAL PUT_DOWN_GOAL and follow program instructions


Semi-Automatic Generation of Training Data for Neural Networks for 6D Pose Estimation and Robotic Grasping







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