The Emotion Analysis Framework analyzes the prevalence of five key emotions in text:
- Anger
- Disgust
- Fear
- Joy
- Sadness
The framework domain receives documents represented as strings of text from the data plugins, which it then analyzes. This analysis is comprised of calculations of the the five emotions in the text and important keywords.
The most important APIs used in the Emotion Analysis Framework are as follows:
- IBM Watson API
- Used in the framework for emotion and keyword analysis in the text
- JSoup API
- Used in the data plugin to scrape webpage content
- Twitter API
- Used in the data plugin to pull fifty most recent tweets given a Twitter handle
- News API
- Used in the data plugin to pull articles given a search keyword and news source
- Word Cloud API
- Used in the visualization plugin to generate word clouds given framework data
- XChart API
- Used in the visualization plugin to create bar graphs
To write your own data plugin, please see the data plugin interface below:
Then, add your new plugin to like so:<NEW_PLUGIN_NAME> // Add your new plugin here
To write your own visualization plugin, please see the visualization plugin interface below:
Visualization Plugin Interface
Then, add your new plugin to like so:
edu.cmu.cs.cs214.hw5.core.visual.<NEW_PLUGIN_NAME> // Add your new plugin here
When creating new plugins requiring the use of an API and a designated API key, use the following guidelines:
- Store your API key in the file like this:
- Get your API key like this:
Properties prop = new Properties();
prop.load(new FileInputStream("../framework/src/main/resources/"));
String apiKey = prop.getProperty("API_KEY_NAME");