JasperReports 6.20.6
optional style expression added to report elements in addition to their existing static style
reference property to allow for more flexible and dynamic styling scenarios; -
new IS_EVEN_ROW and IS_EVEN_COLUMN boolean built-in variables available in crosstabs to help
with alternate row/column styling of crosstab cells; -
new custom configuration property net.sf.jasperreports.export.pptx.frame.as.table added to
control the rendering of table components as true PowerPoint table structures in PPTX exports; -
added new data source implementation based on the Fastexcel Reader library to allow loading of
larger XLSX files without using too much heap memory (compared to existing POI-based implementation); -
new custom property net.sf.jasperreports.cut.text.max.height available for text field elements
to limit the maximum height to which they can stretch to accommodate their larger text content
when textAdjust attribute is set to CutText value; -
improved caching for clipped images and SVG drawings in the PDF exporter to help create smaller
size PDF files; -
new number rounding functions available in report expressions;
minor bug fixes and improvements;