Developers using this project should have ruby, rails, postgresql and tailwindcss installed
Ruby 3.1.3 - Follow the instructions to install the latest version of ruby for your platform in the ruby docs.
Rails - Follow the instructions to install the latest version of rails for your platform in the rails official repo.
Gem dependencies - Once rails is installed, enter into the project root directory and run
bundle install
to install of the app's dependencies. -
Postgresql v15 - Follow the instructions to install the latest version of postgresql for your platform in the postgresql docs
Once all dependencies are installed, enter into the root folder and run rails server
to startup the backend service. This would start the app on port 3000 with a default home page
- Devise is a flexible fully built authentication gem handling users sign up and sign in. The version to use for the project is already listed in the gemfile , run
bundle install
in the project root. - Active Record is the Ruby SQL toolkit and ORM we'll use to handle queries to the database.
Install tailwindcss from the official documentation
Install node in order to have the npm package. This would be needed to start the react application
Start up tailwind by running rails tailwindcss:watch
in the app's root to apply the tailwind styles.
The client side logic of this application is built as a separate react app. It communicates with the rails backend serving as an api. This communication is done using axios. Install axios via the command line by runnning
$ npm i axios
All of the client side logic resides in the reactclient folder in the root path of this project. Inside this directory is housed the src which contains the components. Each of the components have been separated following separation of concerns . That is, all of the user is housed in the user directory of the components folder. Same follows with other concerns.
Start up the client app after installing Node and with it its package manager by running the following three commands in order
$ cd reactclient
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
The frontend end interacts with the backend as a client to api service. Start up the backend first as it is proxy for the frontend. You can run multiple commands to start up the builds of the backend by running bin/dev
in the projects root. This would fire up foreman to run the procfile. The frontend should be strted as earlier described.