This is a basic express app which gives information about the current scenario of Covid in different parts of the world.
- Create your account with RapidAPI
- Subscribe VACCOVID - coronavirus, vaccine and treatment tracker
- It's free to use this API with a quota of 500 requests per month free.
- Get your API-Key
- You can find API-Key from the Endpoints section or settings
$ git clone
$ npm i
$ npm install all
$ npm run nodemon
Once started successfully, you can access endpoints using URL http://localhost:8000
A sample env file is provided. Check it out in the repo.
Following are the endpoints to execute all functionalities of FaiRESTdb
Get HomePage
GET: http://localhost:8000
Get world data of Covid
GET: http://localhost:8000/world
Get all countries data
GET: http://localhost:8000/countries
Get specific country data
GET: http://localhost:8000/country/India/ind
Get contacts data
GET: http://localhost:8000/contact
Deploy Server to Heroku
$ npm i -g heroku
$ heroku login
$ heroku create
$ npm run heroku:add <your-super-amazing-heroku-app>
// remember to run this command in the root level, not the server level, so if you follow the documentation along, you may need to do `cd ..`
$ pwd
$ npm run deploy:heroku
Create new Issues (preferred)